"Who are you? What the hell are you doing, bursting in here like that?" My voice sounded shrill and anxious, but that's exactly what I felt. The large man had crazed green eyes, and if not for the baby strapped to his body, he would've looked more terrifying simply due to his size.
He was at least six feet, possibly six and a half feet, with broad shoulders, long, strong legs, and a power that emanated from him. That power was intimidating but it was also awesome. His gaze landed on Serenity.
"You have to help me." My heart still raced as Serenity stood and smoothed her hands over her red dress.
"Have a seat, sir. I'm guessing you're new to parenthood?"
He nodded as his wild eyes darted around the room, the baby smiling and babbling against his chest. Finally, the big man sat and let out a long, expansive breath.
"Less than twenty-four hours, in fact. The baby is good, perfect as long as I keep her in my arms, but the minute I put her down? She howls like a banshee."
Serenity laughed and put a hand to her chest as she settled a sweet gaze on the man and the little baby with a fiery crown of hair. His blond brows dipped into a dark scowl.
"It's no laughing matter. I need help, and my friend says you are the best."
"I love to hear that. Who is your friend?"
"Dante Rush. You found him a nanny recently."
She nodded and walked around the desk, sitting on the edge with a grin. "If you know Dante then you know how I do things."
The man wasn't interested in the details, that was obvious by the set of his shoulders and the look of determination in green eyes that were exactly the same as the adorable baby girl fixed against his chest.
"I didn't get the details from him, but I can afford your fees and I'll pay it without negotiating. Please." Unlike so many of the entitled parents I've met and worked with over the years, this man had more of an air of desperation than entitlement. The baby started to cry in his arms, but as she started fussing, he pulled her closer, jostling her gently. "Please."
Serenity reached out and let one finger graze the soft tuft of red hair on the baby's head. "Sasha, you think you can take this sweetheart while I have a talk with Mr.?"
"Witter," he answered nervously, eyes darting back and forth. "Alex Witter." I noticed that Serenity's gaze flashed at the name as if it was familiar to her, but to me, he was just another handsome Texan, and my focus was on the baby girl in his arms. I stared at the man a beat too long before her words registered.
"Oh, sure." It was clear the man wasn't an actual threat, so I relaxed and slowly made my way towards the blond giant, still wary but willing to help out. "Hey, sweet girl. I'm Sasha." I talked gently to the baby who turned her big green eyes to me, curious at first, and then smiling excitedly. "That's right. I'm Sasha andwe're going to hang out for a bit." I smiled at her and her smile grew as baby babble spilled from her rosebud lips.
When I reached for her, the man, Alex Witter, gripped her tight as if he was reluctant to let her go. "Careful. She tends to get a little fussy," he began when I scooped her from his arms and nestled her close.
"I'll be damned. How did you do that?" His deep voice with a hint of a southern accent that was miles away from Texas was filled with awe. I smiled at the man and really wished I hadn’t, because this close, he wasn't just handsome. He was breathtaking with green eyes, dotted with gold and dark gold specks. His skin held a hint of a tan like he spent a lot of time outdoors, his pink lips were full and his mouth, wide and kissable. Wait, what? No, not kissable. Just noticeably plump.
"This is what I do, Mr. Witter." I glanced around in search of a diaper bag, but when I found none, I held the baby closer and rushed from the office. Curiosity burned in my gut at the situation that brought the blond Viking to Elite Nanny Service.
He was clearly out of place, not to mention out of his depths as a father, but why? Why was he so out of sorts? Was this the first time he'd been left alone with the child? I took the baby to one of the meeting rooms stocked with everything a kid from aged one month to five years might need and changed her diaper.
"You're a good little girl," I cooed while she kept up a steady stream of baby babble as I changed her, punching those chubby little legs as if she was going somewhere.
The big guy was a little on the gruff side, but it was clear that whatever landed this little girl on his doorstep, he cared about her. It made me think of my own father, rich and short-tempered. He would have taken to raging at this little girl to get her to settle down. The idea of reaching out for professional help never would have occurred to him.
"I guess in that way, you're lucky." She laughed and continued kicking wildly. "I hope you have a really great life, sweet girl. I really do."
If her father was here, it meant he could afford to give her the best life had to offer, which made me smile. With the right start in life, a child could go far, and though I barely knew her, that's what I hoped for this little girl.
Chapter 3
Istared across the desk at the well-dressed woman with a kind smile and thick sable hair, deciding whether or not to reveal all of my secrets to her. It was hardnotto trust her when she looked at me as if she somehow understood everything I was going through. “Okay,” I sighed and shook my head. “Someone dropped her on my doorstep last night with a note that said she was mine.”
“Do you know who the mother is?” She asked without judgment, which was what I really needed.
“No,” I sighed and scrubbed a hand over my face. “She said she was dying and that she would be gone by the time I tracked her down, which takes a money grab off the table.Ifall of that is true, anyway.” It was naïve, no, it was silly of me to reveal all of my secrets to a virtual stranger without asking her to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Jack was going to have my ass when he found out, and then he’d chew it up and spit it out when he heard everything.
Serenity sat back in her white leather seat and grinned. “I’m well aware of who you are, Mr. Witter and I can assure you that I have a reputation for being discreet.”