I picked up the phone on the wall that connected me immediately with the doorman. "Barry, has anyone been to my floor today?"
"No, sir. A few photographers tried to gain access but I got rid of 'em. Is there a problem?"
"I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know." I ended the call and turned back to the baby and the small bag hooked onto her carrier. There had to be some information on this baby somewhere. Right? Inside, there were a few diapers, baby bottles, and the smallest clothes I'd ever seen. Past the baby wipes and a tube of ointment was nothing except the bottom of the bag.
"Ba-ba-ba-ba." The baby babbled with a watery smile as she kicked her legs like she was trying to tell me something. She kicked again and that's when I heard it, the crinkle of paper. Behind her kicking legs, I found a note.
I'd like you to meet your daughter. She has your eyes, don't you think?
Before you curse me to hell and back, read this letter all the way through. She's yours and I have no doubts about that, but if you do, have a DNA test if you don't believe me.
Don't bother trying to track me down because I'll be dead by the time you find me, that's why I'm leaving her with you.
Please, take care of our little girl, give her a good life and make sure she knows I loved her more than anything.
I know you don't think you have it in you to be a father, to be responsible for someone so tiny, but I know that you do. Take care of her, and yourself.
That was all the note said, she hadn't signed it or anything. A ball of acid formed in the pit of my stomach as the situation started to sink in.
A baby.
Someone had left a baby on my doorstep and said she was mine. It couldn't be true. It had to be a play for cash. It was the only thing that made sense.
A loud cry tore from her little body and in a panic, I unfastened the harness around her and pulled her into my arms.
"It's all right, little girl. I'll figure this out." I had no choice. This was exactly the kind of fuck up Jack had warned me about.
It took a few minutes to settle her down but when she stopped crying, I put her back in the carrier. She started crying again right away.
We played this game for an hour before it became clear that she wouldn't go back to the carrier. She was tiny and soft and smelled so sweet, which was probably how she got me to hold her all night.
Chapter 2
Serenity stood with a smile when I entered her lavish office at Elite Nanny Service.
"Sasha, I'm so glad you could make it in today. Have a seat and tell me, how are you doing?"
I couldn't help but smile at Serenity Majors. She was a beautiful woman with insane curves and an impeccable fashion sense. She looked like she belonged on the streets of New York City, not running a nanny agency in Houston. She was kind and nurturing, treating all of us as if we were members of her family.
"Hey, Serenity, you look fabulous as always."
"This old thing?" She laughed and brushed off my words with a smile and a blush. "So?"
"I'm good," I answered as I took the plush white chair in front of her desk. "I'm going to miss Jenna and James, but I'm so proud of them and happy for them." The twins I'd been working with since they were one had officially started first grade and I was no longer needed. It was part of the job but that didn't make it hurt any less to say goodbye. "How are you?"
"Oh, you know. Busy as always but I love it." She flashed a beaming smile and laid her hand over a stack of files. "I have afew new families that might be a good fit for you. Interested or do you need a break?"
I took a moment to think about my answer. The truth was I hadn't been back to Connecticut to visit my family in more than a year, but that wasn't because I didn't have the time or the funds. It was because I didn't want to, not really. My family was complicated and that was putting it mildly so staying away was best for everyone, but most especially my mental health.
"That depends on what you have for me," I answered.
Whatever Serenity was about to say was paused when the door behind me slammed open. I was on my feet in an instant, practically jumping over the glass desk to get behind my boss. My heart raced as I took in the giant blond man with broad shoulders and let out a shriek that brought all the attention to me.