“Cool.” I sighed, then paused, glancing at her to see if she would interrupt again.

She smiled at me, waiting, and I kept going.

“People always drank and feasted on the first night of the gathering. It was a noisy event, an event where the clans put aside their differences and celebrated life.

“Karl, of Clan Adalwolf, was there with two of his friends, Norman and Wilhelm. All three of them were looking to make matches with females while at the gathering. They were ready to settle down from their wild ways and raise families of their own.

“It was typical for members of the warrior clans to find a life partner at the gathering, but it was not typical for members of Clan Adalwolf to choose a partner from a different clan. Doing so would cause issues, as their partner would not have a wolf companion, and would be unable to participate in many of their customs, since only Clan Adalwolf members had such companions.

“But Eydís captivated Karl from the moment he first laid eyes on her. He knew then and there she was the only female for him, and he declared he would have no other.

“He approached her, and told her of his intentions, not knowing or caring what clan she hailed from. He cared only for her soft smile, sparkling eyes, and her long, dark hair he yearned to run his fingers through.

“As the night wore on, the two drifted away from the revel so they could learn more about each other. Eydís was just as taken with Karl as he was with her, and by the time the sun rose, they had agreed to speak to their parents to arrange a match.

“When Karl walked her back to where her clan was staying for the gathering, it shocked him to see she was not only a member of his clan’s greatest enemy but the daughter of their leader. He was undeterred, however. In fact, his resolve to have Eydís only deepened. He had hopes their union might bring an end to the long endured feuding of their people.”



“Sounds wike farting to me.” She giggled.

I ground my teeth together but kept going.

“He left Eydís at the edge of her clan’s campsite and returned to his own clan, vowing to himself that he would convince Clan Adalwolf to accept a member of Clan Vígi by the end of the gathering.

“Throughout the long days, Eydís and Karl met as much as possible, almost always in secret. Karl showed her the ways of the wolf warriors, and it delighted her to spend time not only with him but with his wolf companion as well.

“As the days continued, Karl noticed a small female wolf beginning to approach the area where they would meet. She would draw closer to them with each passing day, until at last, she drew the courage to walk right up to Eydís.

“When Eydís reached out to pet the wolf, a spark passed between the two, forging a connection between them, just as all members of Clan Adalwolf had with their wolves.”

“I can’t wait until I get my wolfy,” Maddie said, her legs bouncing on the bed. “She is going to be so so so so so pwetty!”

“You’ll get a lycan though,” I reminded her.

She frowned. “But she’ll still be pwetty, wight?”

“I’m sure she’ll be beautiful,” I said with a smile.

She smiled back, then pointed at the book. “Wead!”

“Eydís was first shocked, then ecstatic when she realized she had been given her own wolf companion. She danced with joy, her wolf leaping and prancing along beside her in celebration. Karl and his wolf joined as well, until the four of them were too tired to continue. They sat with their wolf friends on the forest floor, and after their adrenaline had worn off, they fell asleep.

“Unbeknownst to them, their families were in a panic, searching high and low for their missing members. No one had seen them since the previous morning, and everyone began to worry. Accusations flew. Each clan was convinced the other had done something to hurt Eydís and Karl.

“As tempers rose, and each clan reached for their weapons, Wilhelm and Norman interfered, stepping between the two clans, their chosen partners’ hands grasped in their own. For they, too, had chosen members of Clan Vígi as their life partners. And like Eydís, their partners had been given their own wolf companions.

“As Norman and Wilhelm spoke to the clans with Frida and Dagmar at their sides, explaining what had happened, many of the people around them lowered their weapons. They realized if their children could set aside their differences to join together, then maybe they could as well.

“Karl and Eydís returned, unaware of the issue that had arisen in their absence. And while many members of the clans saw they were wrong to hold their grudge for so long, Eydís’s father was unhappy to see his daughter with a member of the Adalwolf Clan.

“In his rage, he lashed out, raising his weapon against Karl’s wolf, for he knew if he killed his wolf, Karl would die.

“Eydís saw her father’s intentions and rushed in front of the wolf to defend him. She closed her eyes, prepared to feel the fatal blow delivered to her by her father.

“But the blow never came. Instead, the sword fell to the ground with a loud thud. Her father dropped to his knees in front of his daughter.