“She opened her eyes to find him in the dirt, tears forming in his eyes as he looked at her. He realized how dangerous the jealousy and hatred they held towards Clan Adalwolf truly was. He had almost killed his own daughter because of his misguided anger.

“He begged Eydís and Karl for their forgiveness. They, seeing his genuine remorse, of course, granted it. The two clans mingled, and her father gave his blessing to their match, as well as to the matches between Norman and Dagmar, and Wilhelm and Frida.

“Upon seeing the clans put aside their differences to join as one, Selene gifted Clan Vígi with wolf companions as well.

“The clans celebrated this momentous offering together, merging their two clans with the union of Eydís and Karl, as well as their friends. Selene attended the celebration, and to honor and thank the six young clan members, she merged their human and wolf spirits into one, allowing them to shift between their forms at will, thus creating in them the first werewolves, from whom we are all descended.”

The door to Maddie’s room slammed against the wall and Sebastian ran inside, his gray eyes darting behind him.

“Hide me!” he whisper-yelled.

I rolled my eyes and gestured at the book in my lap. “Can’t you see we’re reading?”

“Can’t you see my life is in peril?!” he retorted, jumping over the bed to the gap between the frame and the wall.

He pulled Maddie’s pillows and stuffed animals from her bed on top of his body to block himself from view.

“What did you do?” I asked as Maddie and I sat there watching him.

“I drew a penis on Reid’s forehead while he was sleeping on our couch,” he explained.

“Um… why?” I sighed. “Why would you do that?”

“Well, he called me a dickhead earlier.”

“What’s a dickhead?” Maddie asked.

“I’ll tell you when you’re older,” Seb replied. “Anyway, I drew one on his face, and when he woke up, I said, ‘Who’s the dickhead now?’ And now I’m running for my life.”

“WEID! ‘BASTIAN IS IN HERE!” Maddie yelled at the top of her lungs before giving Sebastian a smug grin.

“Oh, no, you did NOT just do that!” Sebastian yelled. “TRAITOR!”

He jumped out of his hiding spot just as Reid appeared in the doorway, his face bright red with a giant dick drawn with permanent marker onto his forehead.

I stifled my laughter with the book as Sebastian stood there frozen.

“Well, it is nice to know someone is on my side,” Reid said with a wink at Maddie.

Seb glanced at me, and Reid dove forward.

“AHH!” Sebastian screamed as he darted around Reid and out the door.

Footsteps echoed through the hall and down the steps as Reid followed after him, Maddie close behind chanting, “GET SEB! GET SEB! GET SEB!”

I sighed again and tossed the book on her bed.

“I give up,” I muttered, then ran after my friend to hopefully save my brother from a slow and gruesome death at the hands of my future beta.



It’s me. Wesley. Wesley Stone.

Well, I guess it is probably pretty obvious that it’s me, since my name is on the outside of the envelope, and I’m also probably the only person who writes you letters.

Crap. That probably sounded ruder than I meant it to. I just meant that most people don’t really write letters nowadays, so if you were to receive a letter from someone, it would make sense for it to be a letter from someone who had already written you a letter before. Not that no one would want to write you a letter. That’s not what I meant.