“Ididnotice both,” Daemon interrupted smoothly. “You’ve chosen red as Kaly’s new color.”
Caemorn gave a curt nod. “Black seemed--”
“Cliche?” Balthazar chuckled.
Caemorn glared at him. “Like thepast. I wanted something vibrant. Lively.”
“Bloody!” Balthazar grinned.
“Life-giving.” Caemorn sniffed.
“Well, I approve. And you look quite handsome--as always--but I do enjoy you without facial hair,” Daemon said warmly.
Caemorn stared at the ground. “I wanted to make a physical break with the past.”
“New look. New you,” Balthazar said.
“Exactly.” Another narrow-eyed glance at Balthazar.
“I thought it mightalsobe because you’ve read too much YA fiction.” Balthazar polished the fingernails of his right hand against his waistcoat.
Caemorn’s narrow-eyed gaze was sharp as a dagger. “What do you mean--”
“With all the new Bloodline crests and the colors!” Balthazar continued gleefully on.
“We discussed this,” Caemorn said. “Each Bloodline needed a greater sense of lineage. People align themselves with sports teams and--”
“Harry Potterhouses--”
“--so they can identify with a group they admire the traits of and--”
“We’re going to even have uniforms!” Balthazar burbled. “Which will allow me to indulge a few student-teacher fantasies with Christian.”
Christian must have heard that as his head lifted and turned from where he was seated with Julian and the elder Harrows. He shook his head and continued talking. Balthazar let out a bark of delighted laughter.
“You must take this seriously, Balthazar,” Caemorn said repressively.
“Oh, I am! I think school uniforms are deadly serious and sexy! Also, I do love my crest!” Balthazar pointed out an embroidered crest on his coat. “We’re going to have all sorts of merchandise made.”
“It must not be tacky.” Caemorn did not look though as if he believed Balthazar capable of anything thatwasn’ttacky.
“Of course not! I’m having underwear made that has the crest on each buttcheek!” Balthazar enthused. “There will be a pair or two for you in your rooms in the Eyros Palace, Caemorn!”
Caemorn pinched the top of his nose but said nothing.
Balthazar continued on, “But what I’mreallylooking forward to is quite beyond the physical trappings of our little academy.”
“What do you mean?” Caemorn asked warily.
“It will be the moment when I welcome our first class and say: may the odds be ever in your favor!” Balthazar grinned.
“You willnotsay that,” Caemorn muttered.
“But it is true! The fun and games we have in store for everyone… well, one will need luck to make it through.” Balthazar rubbed his hands together.
Daemon’s gaze alighted on a large figure stalking his way across the courtyard. The man was huge with a shock of black hair and beard. He favored fur and leather. He moved with the oiled grace of a panther. Six other Vampires flanked him as he led them effortlessly. Both Caemorn and Balthazar had gone quiet.
“Lord Ryder,” Balthazar said the name with little inflection to show his feelings about the Weryn Vampire. “He’s been chosen to represent the Bloodline at the school.”