Balthazar had now left the general and fluttered over to a Chinese official who though, likely as alarmed as the French general, managed to hide it by being excessively rigid. The Eyros Vampire flashed those fangs again as he spoke this time in fluent Mandarin about secrets the official had kept even from her party bosses. She visibly swayed for a moment. Balthazar steadied her with a touch on her arm and said he would behappyto discuss these matters further if necessary.Daemon was sure that any objections from that quarter would now be neutralized.
“I sense that you are still uncertain as to my plan for you to work together, Caemorn,” Daemon said, drawing his attention back to the other Immortal’s concerns.
“I am only wishing to serve you in the best possible way I can, and if you believe that working with Balthazar is that way then I fully accept it,” Caemorn answered.
Daemon could feel the tumult in Caemorn. On the one hand, Caemorn resented the idea that he should have to share this position with anyone. He wanted to prove himself to Daemon. Yet at the same time, Caemorn did not believe he deserved such trust. Perhaps it would bebetterto be overseen, especially by Balthazar who knew him so well and was his foil.
“I have ultimate faith in you, Kaly,” Daemon answered the unasked question. “Eyros is not your minder. He is not your jailer. You both are my most trusted counselors.”
Caemorn did not jerk in surprise at Daemon’s understanding of his true concerns. But there was a slight lessening in the tight line of his shoulders as the words were welcome.
“I see, my king. I appreciate your faith in me.” Caemorn rolled his shoulders back.
“I believe that the two of you, working together, will make a formidable team,” Daemon explained. “Already make one, in fact.”
Balthazar was now chatting fangally with the President of the United States of America. The president kept touching the collar of his tuxedo as Balthazar discussed the finer points of espionage, especially the spies that had applied to the academy under very false pretenses. The Secret Service was shifting uncomfortably as well.
“That may be true, my king, but I fear he will trigger an international incident before this team will have its chance at a first semester,” Caemorn murmured with a dry purse of his lips.
“His goal is to unnerve them,” Daemon stated.
“Should it not be to assure them that we are willing to follow rules in regards to feeding and turning?” Caemorn asked, a frown appearing on his lips.
“That’s your job,” Daemon said. “Balthazar is to be the wild card. To remind them that we arenotlike them. Not really. And so they should not be so sure of us at any given moment.”
Caemorn considered this. “It is anunusualchoice to make Balthazar the one to remind them that we are not human. Surely,me, with my gift with the dead, would unnerve them more naturally.”
“Ah, but, Caemorn, they expect to be unnerved by a Kaly Vampire, but to think that one such as Balthazar--with all hisexotic plumage--is an unknown quantity too will doubly unnerve them,” Daemon answered.
Caemorn nodded after a moment, satisfied with the explanation. “That is clever.”
“We must keep them back on their heels,” Daemon said. “They must never be too sure of anything. For all our strength, there are more of them than us and sunlight is still our enemy.”
Caemorn nodded again. At that moment, Balthazar left the president of the United States and swept over to them. There was a Cheshire cat grin on his handsome face. He grabbed a glass of champagne from a nearby silver tray. Daemon was amused as the humans stared at the flute filled with golden liquid as if it should be another color.
“Hello, Balthazar,” Daemon said. “Chatting up our guests is thirsty work, I see.”
“Indeed!” There was a fresh look of pleasure on Balthazar’s face. “In contrast, you two are wallflowers!”
“We are merely observing our guests and making sure everyone is having a good time,” Caemorn corrected.
“You are frightening the guests away! You both look beautiful, of course, but so imposing! You should engage like I do! Be approachable!” Balthazar chuckled and drained his glass of champagne. He immediately set down the empty flute and grabbed another, his silver eyes glittering.
“I think you are doing quite enough for all of us in terms of socializing,” Caemorn’s voice was desert dry.
“I knew you would think that! But did Daemon explain--”
“I did, Balthazar. You are doing an excellent job,” Daemon assured him.
Balthazar’s silver gaze swept over the crowd. “There are so many that want to talk to you. But I think that it is good to play hard to get.” He turned back to them both with a mischievous grin that had Caemorn stiffening, clearly knowing that there wassome teasing coming. “So! Have you complimented Caemorn on hisoutfit, not to mention his new clean-shaven look, Daemon?”
Caemorn was dressed in a blood-red long coat that came to his knees. It was cut to skim his torso and flared at the bottom. Ornate silver buttons and piping accentuated the look. Black pants and boots encased his long, muscular legs. His goatee was now gone. He looked younger without it. More angelic really, which would amuse Caemorn no end. Or perhaps it would worry him as Artemis-Kaly had often been referred to as a celestial being. But, of course, there was something of Artemis-Kaly in Caemorn now.
Caemorn’s eyes flared with alarm. “Balthazar, there is no need to--”
“He really wants you to notice him!” Balthazar sounded gleeful. “He took special care, Daemon, to look perfect just for you!”
Caemorn’s pale cheeks flamed and he shot Balthazar a lethal look. “I did not--”