Humans were very leary when it came to Vampires feeding in any form. Daemon had noted that somehow even Vampires partaking in normal food and drink caused consternation in the mortals. Maybe it was because humans sensed that the Vampires received no nourishment, or even much delight, from the consumption and wanted forotherfood. But, regardless of what orwho theVampires would eat or not eat, the very best gourmet provisions had been provided for the dignitaries and world leaders that had signed onto the Blood Pact that night.
The Blood Pact wasn’t really its name. The real title of the agreement was something long and officious, but Daemon knew that everyone thought of it as the Blood Pact and that was sufficient. The Pact laid out rules for Vampire feedingand turning. As a central component of the Pact it had been established that the Ever Dark Academy would be the sole place where the Bloodlines would choose their fledglings. The first class was to come to the academy in less than a single Earth week. There had been enough applicants to fill over a hundred such classes even as many others protested its very existence.
But neither reaction was unexpected.
He could feel Seeyr’s cooling presence in his mind as she walked amongst the guests with the ease of a Vampire with eyes, but Sophia stayed next to her side, making sure that her Mistress’ path was always clear. Meffy was in her arms as if an additional part of her wardrobe.
Seeyr was a familiar figure to these people as she, along with Balthazar, had done much of the negotiating of the Blood Pact. The future had taken shape under her clever fingers as she sculpted what each side would give and get and how it would all shake out on the world stage. Daemon felt a frisson of excitement at the challenges to come.
“Balthazar is alarming the guests,” Caemorn continued dryly as he and Daemon surveyed the crowd under the twin moons of the Ever Dark.
They stood in a corner of the courtyard. There was no dais, no rope line, no guards keeping anyone away from him or Caemorn, but there was at least six feet of space around them at all times. While the world leaders were eager to speak to him and Caemorn, Daemon kept a command of “keep back” mentally going out to all and sundry. He wanted the humans to go through his very qualified people, like Balthazar.
“Balthazar is merely being sociable,” Daemon countered, hiding the faint smile on his lips from the other Immortal. It was his secret--or perhapsnotso secret--pleasure to watch Caemorn and Balthazar interact with one another. They were his favorite odd couple.
“He is beingsomething,” Caemorn muttered.
Even amidst the violet and white blooms, the blue-white light cast from the torches, and the gilding rays of the red and blue moons, Balthazar stood out. While most of the other Vampires were dressed in modern clothing he looked like an exotic flower in his dark blue waistcoat, tight pants and knee-high boots dyed the same midnight shade. A white, high-collared shirt that came up to the base of his chin framed his handsome face. His skin looked almost alabaster pale while his lips were far redder than normal due to a careful application of makeup. With his dazzling silver eyes and waves of sleek hair, he looked very similar to Tom Cruise in the movie,Interview With a Vampire. Julian had explained this film to him and the reason that Balthazar was affecting this particular “vampiric” look.
“It’s what they will expect,” Julian had said as both of them had dressed for that evening’s gala.
“They think that looks more evocative of a Vampire than this one?” Daemon had pointed to his long wolf fur coat that was slung over an ottoman.
A smile played across Julian’s lips as a faint wheeze of laughter escaped him. “No, I think that your particular fashion sense is very evocative of Vampire-kind. But the rakish fop that Balthazar will resemble is more familiar to them because of the media.”
Daemon, though, had continued to frown. “I begin to think you do not like my coat.”
Julian turned to look over at him as he clicked one of the silver cufflinks in his dark crimson shirt closed. His expression was one of surprise that Daemon cared so deeply about his approval of what he wore and even deeper affection. His fledgling glided over to him and slid his arms around Daemon’s neck.
“Iloveyour wolf coat,” Julian promised and sealed that with a kiss on the lips. “In fact, I love nothing more than you completely naked wearing only it.”
Daemon’s eyes hooded as they kissed more even as Julian’s slid completely shut. When Julian opened his eyes they were more red than violet. Daemon had cut his tongue so that a touch of his blood had flavored their kiss.
“Perhaps I shall oblige you by wearing that exact outfit tonight,” Daemon challenged, knowing his fledgling’s--and seemingly most modern people’s--feelings on nudity. It would be more than amusing to see the humans attempt to ignore his otherness then.
Julian let out one of those delightful wheeze-laughs even as his cheeks colored. But he lifted his chin up and shrugged. “Whatever you like.”
Daemon pursed his lips. “Hmmmm.”
“What?” Julian was outright laughing now.
“I am half inclined to prance around the fountain tonight naked just to make you laugh like this again.” Daemon cupped Julian’s face, running his thumbs along the smooth planes of those beloved cheeks.
Julian’s face immediately lit up and his mind filled with the fireworks of love and desire. Daemon felt a deep sense of rightness. He had known he had been lonely in Nightvallen before having a fledgling, but now that Julian was here, he realized it had been a stark, empty existence in comparison. Julian leaned fully against him, letting Daemon easily bear his weight.
“You must not be nervous interviewing your parents tonight on your show,” Daemon said quietly.
Julian and Christian had decided to document the Harrows’ journey in becoming Vampires. It would be a great PR piece according to Rajani and House Wynter was eager to promote itto the world. They would film the first episode that night and release it for everyone to see.
Julian gave a half smile. “It’s weird. Christian and I have lived in front of the camera for years, but I’m a little anxious this time.”
“You started your show to prove your parents were murdered by Vampires so going back to it now…” Daemon paused, “would be understandably fraught.”
“Yeah, but I think that’s why it’s so important that I do this,” Julian said.
“You and Christian will make people understand us better. There are many misconceptions about us already out there,” Daemon remarked.
Julian’s expression soured briefly. There had been riots in several cities with people storming the streets with wooden stakes, crosses, holy water, and of all things,garlic. This last one truly perplexed Daemon. He supposed they thought it would cause some kind of allergic reaction. But the real danger, he knew, would be when those same people realized thatnoneof those things were effective against Vampires and the dread of impossibly powerful immortal beings walking among them was truly brought home.