“You heard about the--the suicides, right? That religious group that gathered together and…” Julian shivered.

“Yes, I heard.” He stroked Julian’s back.

The group had set fire to the building they had all huddled in as they expected the world to end. There had been over 100 people lost, including 25 children.

“Which is why I have to make sure tonight’s show isperfect.” Julian clenched his jaw. “I have to show them that we’re not demons here to destroy them. Really show people the pros and cons about becoming a Vampire so it’s understandable to most everyone.”

“There will always be those who distrust us. Some rightfully so. But self-destruction and violence will not be tolerated,” Daemon said quietly. “Watching your parents go through the process will soothe many fears.”

Julian nodded a little jerkily. “I know my parents are professionals at this so I have no worries about them. I just want to make you proud and represent us in the best light.”

Daemon again smoothed his thumb over Julian’s cheek. “I have no doubts, Julian. I am proud already.”

His gaze now swung to the Vampire Prince who chatted easily with his parents, the President of India and the British Prime Minister. Both countries had considerable fears of a too large Vampire population and how it would exacerbate inequality. They were pressing this point with Julian. They already sensed that this first family of Vampires would influence people greatly.

“Vampires already exist in the world,” Julian patiently explained. “Remember, the only thing that’s changed is yourawarenessof that fact. So any inequality Vampires existing creates is already present.”

Joanna Harrow added, “And with the existence of the school, there will be the added benefits of people being chosen from all walks of life rather than simply people a single Vampire meets. It will, in fact, lessen some of that inequality.”

Jack Harrow smoothly interjected, “Not to mention that all possible psychological issues will be screened out now that Eyros and Seeyr Vampires will be involved in all selections of fledglings so it will be safer in general.”

The British Prime Minister pursed his lips at the mention of psychological issues. “Yes, we were wondering about how many serial killers--”

“Vampires are not serial killers,” Julian firmly interrupted.

“Not evenone?” The Indian President, a thin man with a thinner mustache, asked.

Julian shrugged, conceding the point that there could have beenone. “Vampires needed to keep their existence a secret. A Vampire who killed indiscriminately put all at risk. So they had to police themselves. If such a being was found, they were… eliminated.”

“You speak so casually of death of your own kind,” the British Prime Minister said.

“No, on the contrary. I think it's tragic. But the Vampires--we--understand that with the great power, essentially, comes great responsibility,” Julian said.

Daemon sent him a wave of approval. His Childe was doing well in the spotlight. There was a mental embrace from Julian just before Christian came over.

“The interview area is almost set,” Christian said and gestured towards a couch and chair setup in the corner of the courtyard.

House Wynter people were swarming over the seating area, adjusting lights and helping to set up multiple cameras.

“Great. We should head over there,” Julian said. “Get prepared.”

“I think Balthazar is causing General Rinochet some alarm,” Caemorn said softly, drawing Daemon’s attention from his Childe back to the Eyros Vampire.

“Ah, yes, I see what you mean,” Daemon replied.

Balthazar had just pinned the French general practically up against the fantastical fountain and was quizzing him--in perfect French--about his family, friends and that mistress that he had on the side. The general swallowed often as he stared at Balthazar’s mouth as he spoke. The Eyros Vampire had his fangs out though he was smiling.

“He is most certainly enjoying himself,” Daemon repeated with a chuckle.

“He is enjoying himself too much,” Caemorn objected mildly, but there was a touch of censure in his tone.

Daemon lifted an eyebrow. “Is there such a thing?”

Caemorn stood very straight and crossed his arms behind his back. “He is undermining the--theseriousnessof his position and--”

“You mean the position that you two share?” Daemon reminded him.

Caemorn’s lips flattened. “Yes, that weshareas joint headmasters of Ever Dark Academy.”