Christian felt heat rise in Balthazar. It mirrored his own arousal. They were so in each other’s heads that they got to experience the pleasure that each other were having. It was highly distracting, but also irresistible.
Christian ground down against the pillowy soft ass and enjoyed slipping his balls between those cheeks. His cock was already hard. It would soon be drooling precum like a hungry animal looking for a meal. He swallowed as he realized that he was hungry for blood as well as sex.
“You can feed while you massage me,” Balthazar offered.
“You are more needy than that cat of yours!” Christian laughed. “Always wanting to be petted.”
“Meffy has the right idea about life. Food. Petting. Sleep. More petting. Kisses all the time. And sex when he’s old enough. But sex alot for me. Plus petting.” Balthazar counted off these on his fingers.
Christian shook his head. “You are incorrigible.”
“And totally unrepentant about it,” Christian laughed again. “Now tell me the two things while I pet you.”
Christian’s hands went to the tops of Balthazar’s shoulders. He framed his Master’s spine with his thumbs and began to massage the muscles on either side, slowly working his way down and then back up again. Balthazar purred.
“So two things. The other Kalys will either self-destruct and take as many people with them as they can,” Balthazar saidand that had Christian tightening his hold on Balthazar, but his Master only sighed happily.
“Yes,” Christian breathed. “Yes, I could see that.”
Unfortunately, he could see that very easily. Backed into a corner, knowing that they would be absorbed into the whole again and their individual identity squashed, would likely inspire the other Kalys to reach for death. And not just their death, but lots of peoples’ deaths. Anything to ruin Daemon’s return to power. To make humans afraid. To cause the Vampires to be on the run.
He dug into the knots that had formed in Balthazar’s upper back. He fully understood how those were there. A lot rested on his Master’s shoulders.
“The second thing is that they could join together to fight us. Making things a lot more difficult than taking them out one by one,” Balthazar said and let out a long, low purr. “That--that is magic. Keep doing that.”
Christian had braced one hand on his upper back and was digging into those knots with his knuckles.
“Don’t you worry,” Christian said, “I have more magic to show you.”
“Oh, you can do that. I love your magic,” Balthazar sounded like he was drooling into the pillows.
Christian was happy that Balthazar was getting so relaxed even when talking of the other Kalys. He slid down to Balthazar’s thighs, exposing that lovely ass that was the same color as the rest of Balthazar. Of course, Vampires wouldn’t have tan lines, but it was incredibly sexy to Christian to see these acres of creamy skin that was gilded only by the light from the fire and the fat candles that were lit all around the bed.
He massaged those ass cheeks, pulling them apart to reveal the sweet, pink anus that was hidden within. Christianswallowed as saliva filled his mouth. Without considering it, he leaned down and licked that tight swirl of muscle.
“Magic,” Balthazar hissed and spread his legs wider.
Christian continued to massage those lovely cheeks even as he ate Balthazar out. His Master lifted his ass up for Christian to expose more of himself to be devoured. A pillow was tossed back and he shoved it beneath Balthazar’s body.
Christian’s tongue probed at the opening into Balthazar’s body. It gave into him even as Balthazar’s body fully relaxed. He wriggled his tongue inside. The earthy taste burst upon his tongue. But there was morecopperthan he had experienced when he’d done this rarely before. But that made sense. Their diet was almost wholly blood.
He used his thumbs to spread wide that anus and stabbed his tongue inside, flicking it in and out. Then his hands slid down Balthazar’s muscled legs. Christian kissed and licked Balthazar’s anus. His fangs came out and he found himself sinking them into the creamy flesh of one buttcheek. He had been given instantaneous permission to do this.
Blood gushed over his tongue and trailed down his throat. It was hot and sweet, salty and meaty all at once. It was like dinner and dessert. Fine wine and chocolates. Cognac and cigars.
Christian withdrew his fangs and dragged them along the backside of Balthazar’s thighs, paying close attention to where his Master jumped with anticipation. He would work those spots with his hands and mouth. Kissing, licking and mouthing that tender skin.
He kissed those inner thighs. He licked them. The taste of Balthazar’s skin was like complex, cinnamony ice cream. He bit in and sucked here and there. The wounds healed instantaneously as soon as he pulled off. Balthazar’s breathing had deepened with every sip of his blood. Christian’s cock felt hot and wagged between his thighs everytime he moved.
“Can I be in you?” Christian asked as he licked blood from his lips.
“Oh, by the gods,yes,” Balthazar hissed between clenched teeth. “Though I don’t know how long I’ll last. I’m ready to cum now.”
“Me, too,” Christian breathed.
Christian had made it down to Balthazar’s feet. He pushed up in the heels until there was a soft pop. Balthazar moaned again and lifted his hips wantonly. Christian crawled up his body. Kissing. Licking. Massaging.Biting.