“This is our home. Our second--well, mythird--home. We’re not going anywhere for awhile so take off your clothes and stay awhile,” Christian suggested as he started to do just that.
Balthazar blinked at him as Christian took off his shoes and socks before untucking his shirt.
“We did have sex in the bath before. I could do that again. Hot tub sex. If that’s what you are suggesting, my little minx,” Balthazar murmured and fluttered his eyelashes at him.
Christian snorted. “My little minx?”
Balthazar waggled his eyebrows. “No? You don’t like that nickname? What about my delicious muffin? Or snuggle snack? Or--”
“I’m not a snack. And I drink mostly fromyouso if anyone is a snuggle snack it would be you, Balthazar,” Christian reminded him as he took off his shirt and considered putting it in the hamper in the closet he’d chosen as his own.
But who would collect it? Would they have servants? Of course, they would. He couldn’t imagine Balthazar doing his own laundry. And there were servants for Ravenscroft Manor. Would they come here? They knew they served Vampires, but to go to a completely differentuniverseto do so? Well, theycouldn’t leave them there for the authorities. They would be questions and--
“Christian? Earth to Christian? I believe I have lost my fledgling to deep thoughts,” Balthazar sighed as he stuck his feet in the hot tub.
Christian snapped back to the moment. He watched Balthazar move his toes up and down in the bubbling water. “Sorry, just thinking about laundry.”
“L-laundry? Washing clothes has replaced the thought of having sex with me already, snuggle snack?” Balthazar gave him a stricken look.
Christian laughed. He shook his head. “Just thinking of how things are going to be. We’ve hardly had a moment to plan to be here.”
“That’s true, but it will all work out on that front. Considering this whole city seems to have been ready for us, I don’t doubt that Daemon will pull another rabbit out of the hat,” Balthazar answered with a shrug.
“You’re undoubtedly right.” Christian nodded. “But my plans for you are simple. You’re tense. Understandably so. Therefore, I intend to massage you and then--”
Balthazar was standing up in the hot tub. His nose was practically twitching. He looked like a pointer dog on a scent. He asked in a high, happy bark, “Massage?”
Christian blinked. “Ah, youlikethis idea?”
“Where do you want me? Bed?” Balthazar asked. “It must be the bed though knowing the magic around this place there’s likely a massage table somewhere. But a bed will do in a pinch. Face down or face up?”
Balthazar sloshed out of the water and practically levitated onto the bed, shedding clothing along the way until he was buck naked as he bounced on the foot of the bed. Christian--who had laid his shirt on the back of a chair--lifted his eyebrows.
“I see youdefinitelylike this. On the bed. Face down,” Christian instructed.
Balthazar obeyed him with an alacrity that amused Christian no end. He smiled and shook his head as he undid his belt and the button of his pants. He gazed at Balthazar’s naked back. He was incredibly beautiful. The golden sweep of his smooth back. The swell of his buttocks. The long legs that were slightly parted. The graceful feet with those toes that were stretched out. Christian ran a finger down the length of each foot, which had those toes wiggling.
Yet there was still tension in that body, which was confirmed by Balthazar’s slightly muffled voice from the squashy pillows as he said, “I can’t believe that everything depends uponme.”
“When you think about it, it’s almost as if with great power comes great responsibility,” Christian remarked softly.
“Ack! Don’t say that!” Balthazar cried and flopped his arms on the bed like a beached bird.
“I’m only telling the truth, I’m afraid. I would rank Kaly then you in power after Daemon--”
“Kaly isnotmore powerful than me!” Balthazar growled.
That had another smile crossing Christian’s face. “That’s why you’ll be able to handle them with no problem.”
“I could handleoneof them, but Caemorn thinks that there are a dozen left,” Balthazar whined and beat the pillows. “With each one we take out, the others will know and try to hide. When they realize that theycan’thide, they will do one of two things.”
“Which are?”
Christian pushed his pants down his legs and stepped out of them. He kicked them towards the chair where his shirt was. He did not want to take a moment longer to be with Balthazar. He crawled up onto the bed and straddled Balthazar’s back, right on the swell of his buttocks. Christian settled in so that the base ofhis cock and balls were along the crevice between Balthazar’s ass cheeks.
“W-what?” Balthazar sounded breathless and his thoughts were wheeling as arousal spiked within him.
“You said there were two things that Kaly will do,” Christian reminded him even as his own mind was stutter-stopping.