A crowd was starting to form around the interview area. He felt Balthazar’s mind touch his as his Master, the Vampire King and Caemorn all approached. For some reason, the image of boxer shorts with the Eyros logo appeared in his mind’s eye. Then those shorts were filled out by Balthazar’s asscheeks and his Master was mentally wagging them about. When Balthazar finally sent him an image of his Master just wearing the boxer shorts while perched on a desk making a come hither gesture Christian let out a snort, which had Elgar actually looking at him. Christian blushed and shook his head to indicate it was nothing. He tried focusing on the cameras.
What are you doing, Balthazar?Christian asked as the three impressive Immortals glided across the courtyard to him.
Oh, enjoying the party!Balthazar answered with a grin.
You’re teasing Caemorn somehow, aren’t you?Christian grinned and shook his head.
Well, someone has to! And that is the essence of fun for me,Balthazar admitted, completely unrepentant.
I’m sure Caemorn is thrilled.
Oh, he is. He most certainly is.
The crowd parted on either side of them, leaving six feet of distance on all sides of the three Immortals. More than a few world leaders opened their mouths and reached tentatively towards the triumvirate, but stopped at the last moment, their eyes going empty and their mouths slack before they turned away. Daemon was not feeling social despite the party atmosphere.
“Master. Kaly. My king,” Elgar said to the velvet back and bowed.
“Elgar, I’m so proud of you! You followed the bag suggestion,” Balthazar said as he slung an arm around Christian’s shoulders and kissed his temple.
“Yes, Master. You were right that the skull causes too much consternation even though it is a comforting object,” Elgar agreed.
“People are very strange about bones, Elgar. But I completely understand your point of view,” Caemorn murmured.
“Are you still upset that Daemon suggested younothave your bone bear here?” Balthazar laughed.
“The bear is quite sweet,” Christian said loyally.
“It stinks to high heaven,” Balthazar said with a shake of his head. “Among other things.”
“I thought the werewolves were enough excitement for the evening,” Daemon remarked.
“Are we going to have the bone bear on camera?” Julian asked.
Makeup and hair people had finally been shooed away. Julian and his parents looked like the incredibly handsome family they were. Daemon swept over to his fledgling and embraced him.
“No bone bears today,” Daemon said.
“That’s probably best,” Jace said. “Yesterday, Tarn grabbed the poor bear’s leg and ran off with it.”
“They were hungry. I kept them from hunting too long,” Caemorn said with a faint grimace.
Christian couldn’t help but laugh though as he remembered the werewolves and the bear charging one another, knocking things and people over, as they play-fought with one another throughout the Eyros Palace. As strange as their new lives were, Christian realized he wouldn’t change anything. He remembered how narrow his view had been before they’d found the Vampires, how he hadn’t believed in anything he couldn’t see or touch, and now here he was. Freed of David’s ghost. In love with an Immortal. A student of the dead and the mind. A friend to beings that were ancient and wise and, perhaps in some ways, unknowable. But he was going to give knowing them and understanding them and everything else his best shot.
“Are you ready to do this thing, Christian?” Julian asked, slipping from Daemon’s arms back into his seat.
Christian looked from his best friend to the Harrows to his parents and then to Balthazar. He wanted everyone to experience the Ever Dark. He wanted them to feel the possibilities of it. He wanted them to dream of it like he did.
“I’m more than ready,” Christian said as he went to the computer setup, which controlled all of the cameras. “Let’s do this thing.”
“Vampires are real,” Julian said to the camera, repeating the same words he’d spoken that had started this whole adventure. “And tonight we’re going tostartto answer your questions about them and even tell you how you might become one.”
Julian felt a mixture of rightness and unreality as he stared past the camera at Christian who gave him a thumb’s up and then at Daemon who smiled with benevolent pride at him. He felt the Vampire King’s love and protection surrounding him. The nervousness he’d felt earlier was held at bay as he mentally grasped onto Daemon. Then he turned to his parents and he found himself blinking almost rapidly as tears burned behind his eyes. This was a moment he never thought he would experience. Not in his wildest dreams had he hoped to have them onExistencelike this.
He had themback. They were righthere. And still it was hard to believe.
His mother reached out and touched his knee. “We’re here with you, honey.”