“Doesn’t have enough power to be visible to most. But it will if I don’t stop it,” Christian said.

His gaze slid to it. It appeared to be an old man with a crooked, almost curved back. His cheeks were carved out as if the flesh had been scooped out with spoons. His thin lips were parted and Christian could see a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. They spread in a smile and the old thing giggled. As if testing him--not as if, it is--the creature extended one bony handtowards the female Chancellor of Germany. A single swipe of her back could drain half her energy in moments.

Christian’s right hand slid into his pocket where he kept a soul gem just for this purpose. His gaze locked with that of the creature who flashed him another grin followed by a hiss. The face no longer looked human and he doubted this creature ever had been. He fumbled with the gem, dropping it back into the depths of his pocket as he tried to pull it out. Lisette suddenly appeared behind the creature, her own soul gem ready. Christian felt a wave of annoyance that she had to step in.

Let Christian do it, Lisette,Caemorn’s voice was in both of their minds.

Lisette stiffened at the unexpected mental command, but then bowed her head and put her soul gem away.

“Master is letting Kaly use his mind to communicate,” Elgar said with a touch of surprise.

“Yes,” Christian said and drew out his soul gem successfully. “They’re working through one another alot like that. He’ll be having Balthazar raise the dead in no time.”

The old creature had taken his momentary inattention to lope away towards some delegates from the far east. Christian swiftly threaded his way through the crowd, keeping the creature in sight.

“My dear boy! You’re Christian, correct?” A plump man stepped in front of him.

Christian grimaced. “I’m sorry. I need to--”

“Where are you off to?” The plump man’s cheeks were flushed from alcohol. “I was hoping to speak with your, ah,Masterbut he seems--”

“Silence!” Christian commanded the man even as he saw the creature reach for a delegate’s leg.

The man’s mouth hung open, silenced in mid-word. It had come easily to compel this man. He hoped that he had not justcreated an international incident. But better to silence one than have another drop dead.

“Sorry about that. But I have to take care of something! You’re released!” Christian cried as he slipped past the man who blinked as if coming out of a deep sleep.

The creature hissed at him when he mentally grasped hold of it. It felt like plunging himself mentally into cold, dark water that had a layer of slime over the top. Sweat coated Christian’s brow. The creature fought him, trying to touch the nearest human.

Come to me,Christian demanded and thrust out the soul gem.

Another hiss, but the creature took a step towards him. It tried to pull back, but he clamped down mentally as hard as he could. Kicking and spitting, he dragged it to the soul gem. The gem glowed blue-white and grew icy cold in his hand. One of the delegates was blinking at him owlishly, having seen the flash of light, but not the creature that was captured. Christian gave him a small smile and bow before turning on his heel to go back to the interview area. He wiped a shaking hand over his sweaty brow. He felt like he’d run a marathon.

Excellent work,Caemorn sent and it had Balthazar’s approval too.I shall show you how to turn the creature to work for you.

I don’t know if I want this thing anywhere near me,Christian admitted as he threaded his way through the crowd.

Many creatures that are unpleasant are useful,Caemorn told him.With the students coming, it will be good to have another creature on guard.

I suppose you’re right,Christian said reluctantly.

Just then, Tarn and Farun raced in front of him, smelling like wet dogs. The two werewolves made a beeline for Caemorn.

Looks like Tarn and Farun were playing in the water again,Christian remarked.

There were gasps and restrained cries as the world leaders jumped out of the werewolves’ way. They kneeled down in front of Caemorn, panting and making curious growling sounds. They were speaking to Caemorn in their own way.

I had them watching the ocean. There has been activity there,Caemorn answered.

What kind of activity?Christian asked.

Christian saw Caemorn pat both werewolves on the head. They lifted their snouts and howled in pleasure before Caemorn sent them off again. They bounded off once more, having checked in with the Kaly Vampire. The world leaders stared, frozen for some moments, before conversation began again.

Hungry things,Caemorn answered obliquely.Since Daemon has returned more creatures have woken.

And now with Nightvallen occupied…

Yes, they are drawn here. That is why we must recruit as many creatures as we can,Caemorn told him.All we would need would be for one of the students to die, but not be reborn into a Second Life.