Julian stopped scrolling. He lifted his head up as he contemplated this. If humans could get past the Vampires were real bit then accept that the Vampires have gifts bit then believing that Kaly Vampires really could control souls and see gates to another world… Well, yes, some people would kill themselves. A lot of people might.

He swallowed as he considered people taking pills and lying down to never wake up. Of others slitting their wrists in bathtubs, staining the water red. A few simply might jump off bridges into the water or simply walk into the sea until they drowned from exhaustion.

Daemon… Daemon, that will really happen!Alarm colored Julian’s voice.

His Master nodded sadly. Yes, and there is nothing we can do to save them all. Not even I can.

Julian wasn’t sure how to take this. By choosing to reveal Vampires were real was ensuring that some people would die before their time. If there was a time to die. And what if the other world that lay beyond was spectacular? Was it then wrong for him to want to “save them”? Would he really be saving them after all?

I see.Julian scrolled down some more, slower now. Ah, here’s an eternal one: ‘What Do Vampires Want?’

This particular Vampire wants his Childe in his lap. Daemon was pouting again.

Julian grinned. I see that a few more roses have bloomed but not all. So you, my king, must wait.

Tcha! As king I should be able to command you to love me when I wish you to, which is always,Daemon complained teasingly.

Good things come to those who wait!Julian though had to shift on his seat as his own cock hardened at the thought of embracing Daemon. Oooh! This headline’s positive: ‘If Vampires Exist, Can I Join Them?’

Daemon snorted. But of course! There will be so many who want to join our ranks. We shall have to put into place some kind of formalized structure. Otherwise, we will be overrun with Vampires. Perhaps… Perhaps a test? A series of tests? Or even a school? A Vampire Academy!

It was Julian’s turn to snort. And who would be the headmaster there? Let me guess? Caemorn?

Daemon was silent.

Julian blinked as he repeated, Caemorn?! Are you kidding? He hates people!

No, he just believes that people hate him so he hates them before they have a chance,Daemon corrected. What he did to your parents--

It’s okay. I mean… it’s not okay, but I know why he did it. He didn’t have much choice.Still Julian’s hand tightened on his phone causing it to creak. If he can bring them back, I’ll forgive him.

He will be forever in your debt,Daemon replied softly.

You think that’s good?Julian studied Daemon’s beautiful face. It was serene. His thoughts were somewhat open to Julian, but Julian felt that this was one of those moments when Daemon was seeing something ahead of them that he didn’t want to know quite yet. You do. I suppose having a person like Caemorn owe me one is good. Maybe I’ll need to use it some day.

It’ll be more than that. Every single moment he has going forward--which will be far better than his past moments--will be because of you,Daemon told him. He will owe everything to you. He will never forget it.

Julian drew in a deep breath. The past sixteen years of his life had been a bonfire caused by his parents’ deaths. Every waking moment he had been focused on one goal: avenging them. Now things were far more complicated. Caemorn wasn’t the villain that he wanted to slay. Kaly was closer to that, but they seemed almost mentally ill. Someone that simply had to be stopped regardless of a personal vendetta. In fact, going after Kaly for something personal cheapened the overwhelming need to stop them.

He continued to read headlines to distract himself, We’ve got dueling headlines here! First one: ‘Who Wants to Live Forever?’ Second one: ‘Who Doesn’t Want to Live Forever?’

Julian sighed. The reports were breathless and the stories were spiraling further out into every part of human existence from the everyday of looking for Vampires among one’s friends to whether or not God existed because Vampires did.

Places of religious worship were packed as people were afraid of the dead rising and coming to take the living down with them. Kaly was undoubtedly enjoying that greatly. It was the kind of terror that they wanted to sew, though it had backfired when Daemon put a kibosh on it and saved everyone.

There were many, of course, who saw Vampires as simply evil, the same as demons really. Others thought it was the end of the world. The dead rising was one of the signs of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Daemon had sent those dead back to their coffins and mausoleums. Had he put the kibosh on God’s plans? Not to mention the fact that Daemon looked like an angel convinced some he was one while others spoke of how the Devil was the fairest of all angel kind.

You know using the name Daemon has gotten a lot of people excited in a bad way,Julian informed him.

Daemon hummed happily. Yes, I know.

Julian shifted on the bench. What other names do you have?

So many.

You aren’t going to tell me, are you?Julian narrowed his eyes.

Daemon grinned, his eyes still closed though. It’ll be more fun for you to figure it out than for me to tell you.