Julian was going to object, but then he realized that Daemon was right. Investigating mysteries was his and Christian’s thing. It was his parents’ thing too. Which brought him back to a subject that had him ready to get up and start pacing like Rajani.
Kaly won’t destroy the soul gems containing my parents’ souls, right?Julian had asked this a dozen times already. He was fully expecting Daemon to get sick of answering it. But each time he assured Julian some of the worry eased. I mean, Kaly knows that things have gone badly beyond just what happened at the museum. Won’t they be desperate?
Daemon showed no sign of impatience with him though as he answered again, No, they are the only thing Kaly has left of any consequence. Destroying them would be most unwise. In fact…
This “in fact” was new. Julian sat up straighter.
In fact?Julian prodded.
A larger smile appeared on Daemon’s face. Just that all will be well. I know it is hard for you to trust me or anyone on this, but… try.
I trust you with everything, Daemon,Julian assured him with earnestness.
At that moment, all of the remaining buds bloomed. Red and rich and ripe. The sweet scent rolled throughout the garden. Intoxicating. And it also meant that Julian could finally touch his Master.
Julian jumped up from the bench and barreled over to Daemon. He wrapped his arms around the Vampire King’s neck. The tendrils seemed to let out a sigh and he felt them pulse as his hands ran up and down Daemon’s broad back.
You know I was starved to touch you. My hands were hungry. How can hands get hungry?Julian asked.
Because they are meant to be on me at all times,Daemon told him with a chuckle.
Julian felt Daemon’s lips trail along his cheek and a shiver of pleasure went through him. He looked at the tendrils and saw that even more flowers had bloomed. More roses. He grinned. He had done that. Daemon’s mood had lifted even further with his touch. He looked up at Daemon’s face. The Vampire King’s eyes were open and they were the color of embers.
You look very refreshed,Julian said.
Do I not always?Daemon asked as the tendrils retreated from his body and began to sink into the earth. Rose petals scattered and drifted on the wind before settling down around them both.
This morning you looked a little tired,Julian replied.
Daemon had teleported them directly into their rooms at House Ravenscroft from the museum. They hadn’t joined any of their friends to discuss what had happened or to exchange ideas. The door had been locked and the two of them had bathed languidly, not even speaking, but simply brushing minds. Their touches had been erotic, but neither of them had the strength to make love. Daemon had curled around him in bed and both of them had fallen into dreamless sleep.
When they awoke, there had been leisurely feeding even as they both sensed Rajani and other Vampires of House Wynter--not to mention House Ravenscroft--wandering just outside the doors of their suite, ready for the moment they exited to pounce. Daemon had called Arcius and informed him of his will.
I must commune tonight, Arcius. I ask that you calm our people while I do so. I will have more to say afterwards,Daemon had said to the Confessor.
Of course, my king. It shall be done, Arcius had responded. Uhm…
What is it?Ah, Balthazar. He has returned and is worried about his performance with Kaly, Daemon guessed, or more likely, knew.
Yes, my king. He is very angry with himself. For all of Balthazar’s seeming jadedness, he really does take his duties seriously,Arcius explained. And disappointing you is something that he takes with the greatest seriousness.
I know. But he did not fail me. I will assure him of that fact,Daemon told Arcius.
And he had. In great detail as he prepared to commune. But Balthazar was still upset and wouldn’t accept he hadn’t messed everything up. Even when Daemon sent Seeyr to him, Balthazar had, evidently, listened and nodded, but still looked like a “squashed puppy” according to Sophia’s thoughts. Not even Christian or Meffy could lift his spirits.
When they had left their suite, the Vampires had already cleared out. They’d even kept their distance until Rajani had showed up to pace and look. But considering the pressure on her to keep everything together, Julian thought she was demonstrating great restraint. It was also clear that Arcius had a lot of sway that he was keeping everyone else back. But Julian knew that they were truly pushing things. Tension was thick even in their little area of the garden. Julian sensed it from every Vampire and even the human world beyond this slice of paradise.
So… time to go speak to the troops? The communing is over,Julian said, half sad to lose Daemon to leadership things while at the same time curious himself as to what the Vampire King intended the next steps to be.
Not quite yet.
Daemon grasped the robe that Julian had been about to hold out for him to slip into and tossed it to the side. He was then reaching for the hoodie that Julian had on. That went up and over Julian’s head. His hair stood on end with static electricity.
What are you doing? You have to do king stuff!Julian exclaimed even as he wasn’t exactly fighting Daemon off.
I need to love my fledgling,Daemon told him as he sought out Julian’s mouth with his own as his hands slid underneath the sweatpants and cupped his ass. Julian let out a low moan into their kiss as he immediately hardened.
Rajani is right outside! She can see us!Julian protested weakly as Daemon stripped off his sweatpants altogether.