“Knowing what I know now, I realize how foolish that is,” she answered evenly. “He is beyond me. Beyond you. And, like it or not, he is our king.”
“You are right. He is inevitable. But he can learn,” Artemis told her. “He can still be taught lessons, even by those beneath him.”
“Are there any above him?” She lifted an eyebrow.
“True. There are not. All the more reason for lessons to be taught and learned.”
“So you’re trying to teach Daemon some lesson?” Fiona qualified. “What lesson is that?”
“That there are consequences to leaving his responsibilities, leaving us,” Artemis said. He swallowed and swayed. His face went paler than pale. The female figure went down on one knee with a shrill cry. Artemis could only gasp out, “That those consequences have long shadows.”
Artemis’ eyelids fluttered shut. That was what she was waiting for. She teleported to Artemis, her hand already in the pocket where the gems were. Artemis’ eyelids flew open just as her hand closed around them. He skinned his lips back from his teeth and hissed at her. He tried to grab her, but she teleported away to Caemorn right out of his hands. And then she immediately teleported Caemorn to Christian and Balthazar. She had their soul gems. But even so, she wasn’t sure if it was safe to move them from this place. So she slipped the gems into Balthazar’s pocket. With one final look over her shoulder towards the well, she teleported to the one person who could fix all this.
“Fiona?!” Julian goggled as she appeared by them in what looked like a control room in a museum.
“Wyvern,” Daemon said, recognizing her. “Take me to the Well of All Souls. I must end this with Kaly.”
She nodded and teleported herself and her king back to the Ever Dark.