Christian pulled away from Kaly’s hand, which was cupping his cheek in a parody of affection. His skin crawled at the idea of this being, who seemed to have no compunction over stealing souls, touching him. His own soul was now included in that number, he supposed.
He’s not really physically here. Nor am I. Can I use that to my advantage somehow?
The “gem” seemed to have no doors. The “floor” was smooth and black. It almost looked wet as it gleamed and in its reflective surface the facets of the “gem” above him were shown as thin, white lines.
How can I get out of here? I got in here somehow.
“Do you like your new home?” Kaly asked, arms crossed at the wrists behind his back.
Christian’s gaze focused back on Kaly’s angelic face. He realized that this was likely his “Artemis Alucius” body. He had the perfect “Kaly” hair: pale as spun silk with a metallic sheen. It contrasted well with the black leather he wore from boots to the long coat. The lines of his face were almost delicate. Those pink lips were curled into an almost natural smile.
Christian wondered who Artemis was when Kaly did not inhabit his body. Was Artemis still inhabiting that body? Or did Kaly simply store the bodies they used like cordwood--stiff and unmoving and unoccupied--until they returned to them? Or maybe, Kaly kept a portion of themselves in all the bodies they inhibited rather like a hive mind. There was so much he didn’t know, and he feared that without that knowledge, he was in grave trouble.
“I’m not staying here,” Christian said flatly. “And you’d do best to release me immediately.”
Kaly’s delicate eyebrows rose in amusement. “Really? Would it be best for me to do so?”
“You can gain nothing by keeping me here. In fact, every moment you do, you will only anger King Daemon more,” Christian said.
“He is already very angry with me.” That smile grew slightly.
“Anything to get his attention?” Christian prodded.
That smile faded slightly, but then returned as Kaly nodded. “I suppose that is what it must seem like.”
“It is what it is,” Christian stated. “Whatever else you think you are doing, it is quite apparent that you want Daemon’s attention. And if doing bad things gets his eye upon you then that is what you will do.”
Kaly delicately shrugged his shoulders. “I expected more from you, Christian.”
Christian wondered if antagonizing Kaly was the wisest course. He needed to find a way out, but somehow he thought Kaly leaving would somehow make that impossible. He didn’t want to be alone in this empty space.
Balthazar will come. Daemon will come. Julian will make sure of it. I will not be left here.
“You look a little concerned, Christian. If the accommodations are truly not to your liking… Well, they can’t be changed. But perhaps, if you amuse me I might let you out… when I’m not using your body,” Kaly said.
Christian’s heart slammed against his chest. “You can’t do that!”
“Why would I waste good souls? All of the souls of all of the bodies that I inhabit I keep.” Kaly patted over his heart. Christian guessed that there was a hidden pocket in Kaly’s coat in the real world where he kept filled soul gems.
“They’ll know you’re not me. Julian will know. Balthazar will know. Daemon will know. We’re nothing alike,” Christian stated.
The thought of Kaly in his body--were they already in it?--was appalling. He would feel his body was unclean forever after that. But worse would be if Kaly used it to hurt the ones he cared about. Those few that he had opened his heart up to. If Kaly hurt them...
“Yes, perhaps, but even if they do, they won’t be able to do anything to me, because I’ll be in a beloved body. Your body. And hurting me means hurting you,” Kaly told him. “But I think we’re more alike than you know.”
“Why are you doing this?” Christian asked through clenched teeth.
But instead of a smirk or sneer, Kaly’s expression had gone curiously blank as if this body was merely an avatar and the Immortal had put down his controller for a moment. Christian’s eyes narrowed.
What’s going on here?
Christian took a step towards Kaly. Those silver eyes remained blank. The body did not move. He took another step.
I should try to access his mind. Make him tell me how to get out of here.