Caemorn blanched as if those words had meaning to them, but he said, “You are just one Vampire. And no matter the power of your friends here, you do not have enough strength to take all of Solace.”
A faint smile crossed Daemon’s lips. Balthazar fully expected him to say something about being king again, but he petted Julian instead.
“Will you use Armageddon? Does such a power exist?” Caemorn pressed.
Daemon said nothing to him. Instead, he spoke to Balthazar, “I suppose you will want me to put on pants for this House meeting you wish to have.”
“If you wouldn’t mind,” Balthazar answered dryly.
“You’re definitely putting on pants,” Julian scolded but gently. Balthazar hadn’t noticed he had a pair of leather pants and boots under one arm.
Caemorn did sort of take up all of my attention.
Balthazar gestured for William and Isabel to come to him. Both eagerly did. He was glad to see that neither of them seemed to regard him any differently. Their minds were whirling, but they still believed him their protector. Him being Eyros just meant that he might be able to do a better job of that. He hoped that would be the case with the rest of his House.
“William, Isabel, I need you to make sure that Christian’s parents are taken care of and not allowed near the main hall,” he explained. “After you do that, come yourselves. I will summon everyone.”
Both nodded.
“You’re nervous,” Isabel noted with a nervous laugh.
“I’ve never been a very religious person so I only had a passing understanding of the uneasiness people had with Immortals…” Balthazar licked his lips. “Now, I’m not sure how people will react.”
“You know you could make us react however you like,” William reminded him softly.
And he could. He really could. He could tune every single one of their brains so that they would think it the best thing ever. And that would likely be a wise move. He needed cohesiveness. They were going to retake Solace after all! He couldn’t have anyone with less than 100 percent approval of him in the group. It would be foolish.
But he found himself saying, “I know, but I won’t do that. Otherwise I would be Roan.”
William smiled back broadly at him. “You just proved that you aren’t and never could be. It will be all right, Balthazar. We left Vampire society for you. We’re behind you in this, too.”
He gave them a brief nod and both of them took off. Christian touched his hand. Those intelligent silver eyes looked up into his.
“They know who you are, Balthazar. It doesn’t matter what your name is,” Christian said.
Balthazar cupped his face and gently kissed his forehead. “Thank you.”
“You don’t believe me,” Christian said, drawing back with a frown.
“Time will tell,” Balthazar said. “I guess I don’t think that I would take it well, so I really don’t know how I can expect anyone else to. But let’s get this over with.”
Balthazar sent out a wave of command throughout the House. Everyone, excluding Elena, would be present when he made his announcement. He turned towards Daemon who was now, thankfully, dressed. Daemon’s naked body was distracting to most everyone. His red eyes were fixed on Balthazar’s face. He was smiling again in that faintly irritating way.
“You look pleased with yourself now that you’ve completely upset the apple cart,” Balthazar told him.
“It's the beginning. All of it. When Seeyr told me that I would have to win back everything, I never truly appreciated how exciting it would be,” Daemon confessed.
“Exciting?” Julian’s eyebrows rose up as he shook his head.
Daemon kissed Julian’s nearest temple. “You find excitement in discovery. I find it in conquest. But you will see what it is like to see an empire fall and be retaken.”
Casting his voice low, though really with a bunch of Vampires it was pointless, “Are we really just going to waltz into Solace and retake the place? Should I be telling my people to prepare for war?”
Daemon’s forehead furrowed. “Why would we need their assistance, Eyros?”
While Balthazar was staring at him, Fiona and Arcius joined them. She looked as disbelieving as Balthazar imagined that he did. Arcius still appeared disturbed by what he had learned about Seeyr. Past them Caemorn was still fixed in place by the wall. Sophia was talking to him and petting the werewolves on the heads as if they were the kitties that she was demanding be brought to the House. Lisette and her group still sat on the couches like little birds on a line, but Balthazar was certain that they listened to every word.
“I’m going to ignore that you just suggested a suicide mission,” Balthazar said to Daemon.