“I believe I am,” Caemorn murmured. “I just do not think that they will be more alarmed by the existence of Kaly than of Daemon or Eyros.” His silver eyed gaze slid to him.
“I think you’re just jealous that youaren’tan Immortal, Caemorn,” Lisette chuckled. “You just get to be the direct fledgling of one, which will take your credibility with anyone who fears them down to negative numbers. Not that you were ever anyone’s favorite either.”
“So going to the Council is totally out?” Fiona shook her head as if she couldn’t believe that some form of authority couldn’t help them.
“There were never any true believers on it,” Arcius said.
“So what use is Caemorn to us?” Fiona’s nostrils flared. “What does he bring to the table? He came here, seeking asylum, but with nothing to add to our fight?”
“Very good questions, but I am certain my fellow Kaly has an answer to them,” Lisette said. “Even little Sophia said he would be useful.”
“Yes, Fiona will get us into Solace while Caemorn will be able to unlock my Mistress’ cell. He will have other uses beyond this, but these are the most important at this time,” Sophia said.
“You have foreseen this? Because I have not been promised anything for my participation,” Caemorn said.
“You are lucky to still have your Second Life,” Balthazar reminded him.
Julian, who had remained silently and tucked by Daemon’s side, said, “You’ll do it because you have no other choice.”
Caemorn’s expression did not change, but Balthazar sensed the truth of those words in the Preceptor’s thoughts.
Julian continued, “That’s why you came to King Daemon, because even though you knew you had likely earned a Second Death from him, you absolutely knew that Kaly was going to eliminate you.”
Caemorn still appeared unruffled even as his mind was whirling. “That maybe so, but I need some assurances that if I fully cooperate that--”
“You will serve,” Daemon said softly and ran his finger down Julian’s cheek.
Caemorn blinked and almost looked affronted. “I need assurances--”
“I am your king,” Daemon said that infuriating line that seemed to throw all of them into a state where they had no idea what to say to it. It was so implacable.
“Yes, of course, you are, and I did not mean to suggest that I was--”
“There will be no assurances, Caemorn. There will be nothing but service from you. And, at the end, we will see,” Daemon said without looking at him. “This is your test and trial. You’ve survived so many. Perhaps you will survive this one.”
Caemorn’s skin tone went paler than normal. Balthazar expected him to argue more, to press his case, but he surprisingly just inclined his head. Balthazar had allowed him to do that much.
“I know you probably want to go get your Mistress right now, Sophia,” Balthazar said. “But I need to get things settled here before we have another Immortal in the House.”
“We will take Solace back,” Daemon said suddenly. He was stroking Julian’s hair, completely unperturbed about everything.
“We’re… we’rewhatnow?” Balthazar blinked at the Vampire King. He must have misunderstood.
“We will take Solace,” Daemon repeated.
“When you saytake, what do you mean by that exactly?” Balthazar asked.
“It will be under my protection and care,” Daemon answered simply.
Fiona let out a small sound. “I believe… Forgive me, King Daemon, but Solace isfilledwith Confessors. Most highly trained, and those that are not… Well, they are high in number. And there are Blood Slaves. Not that you… I mean I do not know what you think about--”
“Do I approve of Blood Slaves? Each of you started as a human being. I value you. Every human has the potential to be one of you,” Daemon explained. “Sono, Wyvern, I do not approve of Blood Slaves. None will be harmed.”
But everyone was exchanging looks in the room. They did not believe he was strong enough to stop the Confessors from harming them, even if his people would not.
“You are very certain,” Lisette said, her eyebrows rising.
“You think that I am arrogant and being quite overconfident in my powers,” Daemon actually laughed as he said this. “I forget that none of you truly knows me yet, even those that are my friends of old cannot remember. I assure you that I am not being overconfident. I am served more than just by my powers and my friends.” Daemon turned towards Caemorn. “The Ever Dark knows I have returned, does it not?”