“There were lots of things I loved about it. But I was driven byloss, Daemon. My only goal in life was revenge on Vampires.” Julian shook his head. “Revenge is not something you want to live for. Believe me. It’s empty and horrible in its own way. If not for Christian… I don’t think I would have made it.”

“Do not say such a thing!” Daemon’s hold tightened even more.

“Crushing me, Daemon. Crushing… ah, that’s better. Thank you.” Julian breathed deeply again. “And forget about what I said before. You thought I wouldn’t want to be with you for eternity? Are you crazy? Yes, you are crazy. I see that now.” He ran his hands through Daemon’s thick locks. The Vampire King turned his head into the caresses so that he could kiss Julian’s palms. “Yes, so crazy.”

“Some would say you are.” Daemon’s eyes hungrily roamed over his face as if wanted to imprint it upon himself. “You sacrificed your mortal life for your friend. Not for me. The two of you could undo the acts that made you Vampires. You could be free--”

“Of you? Of Balthazar? Of all our friends? Before it was just Christian and me. We were seeking connections. Answers. Now I have those answers. I also have completely different questions.” Julian grinned. “But now, I get to find out the answers to those withyouand Christian and Balthazar and everybody. Not to mention, I now have eternity to do it! I’m not going to ever lose what I have now to the ravages of age and illness. I’m going to just getbetter.”

Daemon smiled, and his eyes, for a moment, looked bright, but with tears. He looked outside again until he recovered. “Yes, that is true. All true, and so much more.”

“Basically, I get everything that was awesome about being human, and get to keep it forever. Plus there’syou.”

Julian let out an uncertain laugh. He had never cared to bring a lover into his life so completely before. But Daemon was the real mystery for him.

“Me? Hmmm, I see. I am a mystery for you to solve.”

“I doubt I’ll solve you. But I’m going to enjoy trying.” Julian smiled brilliantly at him.

“There is darkness in this immortal life, you know? The things you have seen so far aremild.” Daemon’s expression was so serious.

“I know.” Julian’s head dipped down.

Daemon tipped it back up again so that they were eye to eye. “There are things I will have to do that will disturb and upset you.”

Julian’s lips parted, but no words came out. Not at first. “I… I know that.”

“And there are things that I will need from you as well,” Daemon’s voice dropped towards a whisper. It was clear that he didn’t want to say these things, but had to.

Just in case they’ll change my mind about being a Vampire.

“I have to stop questioning you,” Julian said.

“It is not the questioning. It is--”

“You have to be king.” Julian smiled.

He pulled away and went over to the balcony. He stepped outside and the wind caught him. It was so strong up here he thought that he might be lifted up and sent sailing away. He went to the railing and leaned on it. Daemon came up beside him. One hand slid along his back and rested on his spine. He was anchored. No matter how hard the wind blew, he would be safe here.

“You do not like killing,” Daemon said simply. “You think I treat life too cheaply.”

Julian reluctantly nodded. “You have all these powers that make death like sounnecessary.”

“Not completely. I am very powerful, yes. I can do miraculous things in your eyes, but even a small cut can bring down the mightiest person,” Daemon answered him. “I want you to consider this. I could have Eyros sweep through the minds of all those that would fight against me. He could tweak them just so.” Daemon made a movement with his hand, a slight adjustment as if he were turning a dial.

“Yeah, like he did with Lisette?”

“Except it would not have worked with Lisette long term unless she accepted the feelings he placed inside of her.”

Daemon turned towards him. The red and blue moons shone down on his preternaturally beautiful face, and the fact that he was not human was so very obvious at that moment.

“What would have happened to her if she hadn’t accepted the things Balthazar implanted?”

“She would have gone mad. His suggestions would have continued to tear at what she really felt,” he explained. “This cognitive dissonance would have eventually worn her sanity away.”

“But what about Elena? He’s going to take her memory of Heath and--”

“It is a punishment,” Daemon interrupted him. “If she becomes ill from it… well, that is what happens.”