Julian’s mouth went dry. “She deserves that because of me?”
“Because of the fact that she would harm you, not only because you have done nothing to her, but you are the fledgling of her king,andthe friend of her lord. She broke all of that, all those friendships and all of that loyalty to hurt aninnocent.” Daemon’s eyes blazed, and his tone was intense. “Sono, it was not just because of you. She earned this punishment because of what it says abouther.”
“But she is deeply in grief and--”
“She is, but there are lines, and they must not be crossed.”
“If it was you, though. What would you have done? If someone hurt me? If someone killed me?”
“Would I have killed innocents to avenge you?” Daemon’s expression was so strange. “I would destroy the whole world if someone took you from me.”
Julian gasped again. He couldn’t even move. He was treasured. And it was terrifying.
“You do not want me to care for you so much?” Daemon’s voice was thick with emotion.
“I do not know if I should be worth so much… death.”
“You are worth that and more.” Daemon blinked, and looked away. “But if I did to someone to another Vampire’s fledgling, I should expect them to attack me, to try and give me a Second Death. For I would have earned it.”
Julian curled against the much larger body of the Vampire King. The thought of anyone touching Daemon, trying to hurt Daemon, had his fangs coming out. “No, no one touches you. No one hurts you.”
Daemon chuckled as he hands carded through Julian’s hair. “Oh, my sweet. You have a little predator in you, too, I see.”
Julian twined his hands in Daemon’s shirt. He could feel the hot, hard muscles beneath it. “I don’t know what it is. I wanted to kill Caemorn, and you wouldn’t let me.”
“Because I saw that it would destroy you,” Daemon answered.
Julian gasped. “W-what? Destroy me? I know you said… I didn’t realize it was so dark.”
“Yes. I foresaw it. I could not let you be hurt by it. Better to let Caemorn keep his life, instead of you being harmed by his Second Death.” Daemon stroked him. “That is the only reason. Do you think I care for Caemorn? I think of him not at all. You are the only one that matters to me.”
“I think that is going to upset Caemorn. He looks at you a little dreamy-eyed.” Julian snorted.
“I am well aware of his regard. I will use that for what we need. But that is all. He has a Master. It is, sadly, one who does not value him.”
“Yet he’s been so successful. But Kaly doesn’t care?”
Julian could only imagine how hard the world of Vampires must be without a Master to care for one. He would not wish that on anyone. But both Caemorn and Balthazar had experienced just that.
“You feel pity for him!” Daemon chuckled indulgently. “Oh, my soft-hearted fledgling. You cannot even bear the thought ofCaemornwithout a loving Master.”
“I know how lucky I am because I haveyou.”
Daemon pressed his lips to Julian’s head. It felt so good. So loving. So tender. So safe. This was not the edge of the knife they sometimes walked when the desire burned bright between them. It was the other tender part that Julian had never really experienced before. Daemon hummed happily.
“You were really worried that I’d want to be human again?” Julian confirmed.
“Yes, you are making me feel foolish.” Daemon hummed happily again.
“You should! You’re the king! You can read my mind! But you were torturing yourself by thinking I didn’t want to stay with you?” Julian tutted.
Daemon let out a rumbly laugh. “When you say it like that, it sounds incredibly self-indulgent.”
“I should feel good that you want me with you so much that you were afraid to know if I didn’t want you, even if the odds were ridiculously low to like non-existent.” Julian grinned, and buried his face against Daemon’s chest. Daemon kissed and petted him. Happiness buzzed in the Vampire King’s mind. That had Julian realizing something. “Is that why Balthazar got so sour there? Is he afraid that Christian won’t want to be his fledgling either?”
Daemon paused, and he felt the Vampire King’s solidarity with Eyros.
“Oh, God, it totally is! You guys are hopeless romantics!” Julian groaned.