Page 43 of Dirty Secret

The more I spoke, the deeper and more cartoonish Felipe's frown became.

"It's worse than I thought. Does he even know what a clitoris is? I mean, I'm gay and even I know what it is."

He reached across the table, gently cupping my hand. His expression was perfect for a funeral scene in a Lifetime movie.

Leaning toward him, I lowered my voice. "The sex was fantastic, okay. He's like one of my snickerdoodles but in the human male form."

"Wow. That good, huh? Now I'm jealous and pissed for you. I can't believe a lay that good walked away."

"He didn't walk away. I did."

More silence. Felipe removed his hand and I couldn't bear to look at my friend. I knew what I would find on his face, so I glanced away.

He would be disappointed and confused. Maybe there would even be a hint of a calculating scheme to turn Max gay so Felipe could find out what an incredible lay he was for himself.

But when I peered up at my friend, I saw none of that. Only heartbreak.

"Oh, Heidi. I can't believe you let your father get to you."

"For once, he didn't. It was Max's ex, Jackie. Her father was there. He showed me a letter Max wrote admitting to exaggerating some bills to take money from his friends. Just like he did to me."

Thinking about dinner last week, I folded my arms across my chest. After Max admitted to writing that letter before I left my parents' house, he never said a word. But he didn't need to . . . his eyes explained everything. The pain and surprise shot at me in his wide stare, like a loud scream, told me that he never wanted me to discover that letter.

I turned my back and left the dinner, hating all the lies from all the men I had ever loved.

That was what made it more painful. The moment my father introduced Mr. Willis was the moment my heart grew with love for Max. Not because he could take an emotional beating from my parents, but I realized Max was everything good and wonderful in a man I was missing in my life.

His eyes looked at me as if I had no faults. Like I was perfect, even after he witnessed all my embarrassing imperfections and goofy ways. My father had never seen me like that. Every time I snorted from laughter or made a silly joke, my dad frowned and wondered aloud if I was his flesh and blood.

"That can't be true. Something about this doesn't seem right. Have you spoken to him since then?"

"No. I don't have to."

"Yes, you do."

I've had enough of men trying to manipulate me and use me to get something for themselves.

"This is his fault, I don't have to do anything. He knows where I live if he needs to write me an apology letter."

Felipe scratched his chin, and I noticed for the first time a bit of stubble. "You're my best friend, but you sound like a child right now. Has he tried to call you?"

I bit my lip and moved my gaze toward the door, refusing to answer. The entrance opened and with it came muggy air and a couple who looked happy and in love. I hated them.


"Yes. Yes, he's tried to call every day over the past week. And he has stopped by my place several times. Unannounced, I might add."

"Have you answered any of his phone calls?"

More silence.

"I'll take that as a no. So, he's tried to call you with no response. Therefore, he would have to show up at your place unannounced because you won't answer his calls."

I snorted. "Sure, bring logic into the equation."

"Heidi, you have to talk to him. Why would your father become chummy with Max's ex-father-in-law? Last I checked, Senator White only befriended like-minded people."

I said nothing but knew Felipe made sense. I hated when he was right, which seemed like it was always. Except for Max. Felipe, so certain Max was ideal for me, was wrong. Max was nothing but a liar and that's what Felipe had to realize. He was mistaken about a man he pushed in my direction.