"Why so sad?" Felipe asked as I picked a fight with a chair trying to pull it from the table. Meeting at Bake & Takefor lunch wasn't my idea.
A good lunch for me, especially after the shattering of my heart last week at my parents' dinner party, included baking a bunch of cookies, breaking them into pieces, putting them in a blender with chocolate pudding and peanut butter—for protein, of course—and then mixing it up into a very thick smoothie.
I was embarking on creating a smoothie diet of my own. I would call it the "Enjoy Life Because Men Are Crap" diet.
"I'm not sad. This chair just doesn't want to cooperate and needs to be taught a lesson."
Gathering myself, I took a breath and glanced around the café to find everyone staring. Managing to slide the seat back a few inches, I squeezed myself between the wooden table and chair. I couldn't breathe without taking gulps of air, but it was fine. I was fine.
"You aren't fine, Heidi."
I jerked my head up. "Did you read my mind?"
On top of being handsome, charming, and the smartest man in the room, Felipe could now read minds? Life wasn't fair. All I could do was come up with a smoothie diet that most people on social media—where I may have posted my idea with enthusiasm—called it grossly unhealthy.
But the more I stared at Felipe, the more I realized I could use my friend's gift to help me. "How do you feel about beating a senator at his own game with your mind reading skills?"
He chuckled, blinding people with a flash of his gleaming white teeth. "I can't read your mind, Heidi. But I can tell you are upset and extremely uncomfortable."
Felipe stood and moved to my side of the table. With a slight tug of my chair, with me still in it, he gifted me with breath again. My seat magically skidded back several more inches.
This chair loved him. Everyone loved him.
"I'm unlovable."
"What happened with Max? Did your father get to him?"
Felipe, with the grace of a dancer and the sex appeal of a movie star, slipped into his seat. Just once, I wanted to be cool like Felipe. Then maybe men would think twice before using me for my family’s money.
"Dad tried, but I don't think Max was after my family connections. He just wanted money. As much money as he could swindle out of me."
Felipe's brows pinched together, and he looked adorable. I heard someone sigh in the distance. "That doesn't sound like the Max I know."
I leaned back in my hateful chair with a stare that could draw blood. "Then you don't know Max. I thought that, too. Hell, I even slept with him."
It was a mistake the moment I said the words, but it was too late. Even as my hands flew up to cover my mouth, I heard Felipe squeal.
"Oh my God!" Felipe flapped his hands trying to process what I told him. "Heidi, why didn't you tell me? I knew you seemed less like a social hermit lately."
"Gee, thanks." I rolled my eyes. Nothing like a best friend to keep it real.
Max had made up for all the years I lived as a sexual recluse. It was fun, but what made it worse was that I fell for him. Hard.
I took a fortifying breath and decided to not live in the past anymore. My father was right. I had to think of them. They may not be great parents, but they were the only ones I had. Perhaps I would be happier, not feel as jilted, if I dated a guy of their choosing.
As I pondered the list of hopeful men my parents had mentioned over the past year, I discovered Felipe wasn't talking.
He never liked dips in conversation. Something was wrong.
"What is it?" I asked as he watched me as if he was studying my face for some test.
"I never believed Max would be terrible at sex. If I had known, Heidi, you have to understand, I never would have pushed you two together."
"He's not bad at it. In fact, he's, uh . . ." I swallowed, unable to find the right words. "Max is perfectly adequate when it comes to sexual relations."