Finn wanted to date me right away.
But it’s good that we waited. Even though we slept together that first night, we took a step back and really got to know each other.
We became true friends, then lovers again.
The best part is, we’re not lovers in name only—we truly do love each other.
Bumping his hip with mine, he says, “Yeah, I sure am glad I stopped in Boots that night.”
I let go of his hand and link my arm with his.
Leaning against him, I murmur, “I’m happy you did too.”
We walk quietly for a few more minutes, until there’s a bunch of rustling up ahead of us in the brush.
That stops us dead in our tracks.
Whatever is in the thick greenery, it sure sounds big.
This is Alaska, after all, and the woods can be dangerous.
My heart starts racing as I whisper my worst fear. “Is it a bear?”
Finn shakes his head once. “I don’t know. But stay behind me.” Swiftly, he steps in front of me, shielding me with his body.
Slowly, from his coat pocket, he takes out the bear spray we always bring along on these walks.
But will it be enough?
My heart is pounding so hard that I can hear the blood rushing in my ears.
What if the bear spray doesn’t work?
Finn already told me we can’t outrun a bear.
We can try to scare it, but that’s not always successful.
And damn, I don’t even want to try.
The rustling continues, growing louder and louder, and as Finn raises his arm with the bear spray in hand, I grab hold of the back of his coat with both of my hands.
I don’t want to die.
And I especially don’t want Finn to die.
I love him, but until this second, confronted with possible death, I didn’t realize just how much.
He is the most important person in my life, and I’d do anything for him, including giving up my own life.
That’s why I know in my heart that if it is a bear and the spray doesn’t work, I’ll be jumping in front of Finn.
I will give up my life so that he can live.
Okay, I don’t know what’s in the thick brush up ahead, but I’m starting to get nervous. Whatever is in there, that motherfucker sounds like it’s big.