Page 9 of Mister Artist

“Now… you go inside and leave me wanting more.”

The sight of her tugging her bottom lip into her mouth as she nodded made my dick throb.

“Okay. Good night.”

“Good night.”

I held her for a few seconds longer before releasing her. If I couldn’t get my dick down, tonight was going to be a long night.



Malik was back,and I was able to convince him to have breakfast with me before I went to Christina’s house. The more I hung with Neko’s people the more I missed my family unit. After Daddy died, I came up with every excuse possible not to come back home. Then Ma moved to Memphis, and it was just Malik here. He never tripped about me coming back, so we only saw each other for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and our birthdays. To have gone from being with my family daily to seeing them five times out of the year was embarrassing and depressing.

“What you get into this weekend?” he asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

Just the thought of my weekend caused me to grin. I pulled it back quickly, not wanting Malik to see.

“I went out a couple of times. What about you?”

“I stayed in.”

The syrupy grin he gave me made me almost gag. “Ew.”

Malik laughed as Neko entered the kitchen. He was shirtless, and gray sweats hung low on his hips. I didn’t mean to stare at his dick print, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

“Good morning, good morning.” Neko greeted, scanning my frame fully as he walked over to the coffee pot.

“Morning.” I spoke before forcing myself to turn and check on the bacon. Homemade biscuits were in the oven, potatoes and onions were almost done, and I was about to scramble some cheesy eggs.

“What y’all in here talking about?” Neko asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

“What we got into over the weekend. It was straight pussy for me. What about you?”

Neko chuckled and shook his head. “I’m sure your sister don’t wanna hear that shit, bruh.”

“You got that right,” I confirmed quickly, making them both laugh.

“Mane, whatever. We all grown. You telling me you ain’t have nobody in here over the weekend?”

Neko’s head shook as he sat at the kitchen table. “Nah, but I did kick it with a beautiful young lady.” He shot me a wink as Malik scrolled on his phone. “We had an amazing time, and I can’t wait to take her out again.”

“See, you ain’t need no pussy ’cause you acting like one.”

As they laughed and went back and forth, I busied myself with the rest of breakfast. Once everything was done, I fixed their plates then mine. Conversation flowed smoothly, but I didn’t waste any time heading back to my room after Malik offered to wash the dishes.

I didn’t realize how much shit they talked about women before I started hanging with Neko one on one. I knew Malik had no idea what we’d been up to, so him mentioning hooking Neko up with the best friend of the girl he spent the weekendwith shouldn’t have bothered me… but it did. That was all the warning I needed that we needed to stop playing with this dating shit.

When I made it to my room and saw the handwritten note on my pillow, I picked it up with a smile.

My Sweet Girl,

I knowthe weekend is officially over, but our time together has ended much too soon. I hope I can spend some intimate time with you again. My parents wanted me to invite you over for dinner Wednesday. If you can come, I’d love to take you out afterward. Have the amazing day you deserve.


Holdingthe note to my chest, I grinned. So much for ending things between us.