Later that Evening
Chillingat Christina’s house turned into us going out to celebrate when I got a call for an interview. I couldn’t say for sure, but I felt like Neko had something to do with it. He was one of two real estate brokers at Wilson, Cane, Simpson, and Fisher, and I’d gotten a call from their sister company Wilson, Simpson,and Co to work in their accounting department. Either way, I was grateful for the opportunity.
It wouldn’t be a work from home position, but I’d made it clear that school would be my priority starting this fall and they assured me they would be okay with that. I liked the idea of working for an all-Black company, especially one that honored having a balanced work-home life. From my research, they had three day weekends, company parties weekly, and amazing bonuses and benefits. It would definitely be an incentive for me to stay in Rose Valley Hills if I actually got the job.
“I know you haven’t made up your mind yet, but I really hope you stay here,” Christina said. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too. I had fun at school but I’m really seeing home in a different light these days.”
She put her pointy finger in my dimple as I smiled and she giggled. “I know more than a job is the reason for that. Who have you been spending your time with because it certainly hasn’t been me?”
“Why do you think I’ve been spending my time with someone?”
Chrissy’s eyes rolled, and now I was the one giggling. “Girl, bye. I know you. You only go ghost when you’re dating. Other than that, we see each other damn near every day.”
It was practically burning me alive to not tell her about Neko. I really wanted to be honest with her about it, but I still wanted to keep him to myself. Plus, Chrissy had an unintentional big mouth. There was no guarantee she wouldn’t say some slick shit when we were together as a group that would get us in trouble. So, instead of telling her who the man was, I just admitted to there being one. Before she could ask me too many questions, our conversation was interrupted by a phone call from Neko.
I answered and lowered the volume before saying, “Hi.”
“Come here.”
“Um… okay. Where are you?”
“Parked on the left side.”
“Okay. One sec.”
After disconnecting the call, I told Christina I had to use the bathroom and hoped she wouldn’t pay attention to where I actually went. I quickly made my way toward the front, and instead of going to the left to go to the bathroom, I went out the door. Unable to hide my smile, I headed in the direction of Neko. He was leaning against his Camaro looking sexy as fuck dressed in all black. His hands were cupped in the center of him, but they fell when I was within reach.
I gasped when he gripped my waist and pulled me close. “Neko, what are you—”
“Congratulations in advance on the job, sweet girl. I know you’re going to get it.”
As he kissed my forehead, I smiled. “Thank you. Did you have something to do with me getting this interview?”
The left side of his mouth lifted into a smirk. “That’s irrelevant.”
“Neko! I want to get the job on my own.”
“You will. All I did was have HR bump your résumé to the top of the list. Chapel called on her own.”
My breath came out hard and shaky. I wanted to be upset, but I was grateful for the assist. They were offering twice the amount I was expecting for an entry-level position, so I was grateful.
Neko leaned into his car and grabbed a bag, then handed it to me. “Here.”
“What’s this?” I asked, looking inside.
“Just a little gift to show you I’m proud of you.”
“Neek, there’s nothing little about this.”
Inside the bag was a card and two stacks of cash with five thousand dollar bands wrapped around them. “You really didn’t have to do this but thank you.”
I tossed my arms around him and hugged him tight… close.
“Consider this an incentive for you to stay.” His arms remained wrapped around me, though he put a little space between us and leaned against his car as he looked into my eyes. “I want you to get this job. I want you to stay.”
“I wanna stay too.”