“Maybe.” Paige reached for his toe. “Get up, lazy bones.”
He put a throw pillow over his face. “Only one of us has a morning meeting. Just leave me one cup of coffee, okay?”
“Alright, alright.” Paige headed toward the kitchen. After filling her cup to the brim, she stepped into the bedroom to choose a power outfit for the day. She scanned her closet and decided on a green blazer and ivory slacks. Pink and green floral heels pulled the outfit together. Satisfied, she drained her coffee and took a shower.
Paige drove to work humming. She enjoyed her job and took pride in working at ATV 10. She was excited about the upcoming football season. Smiling, she pushed a button for her favorite rock station and waved to an elderly neighbor who was walking his dog.
She arrived at the station ten minutes later and pulled into her familiar spot. Still wondering about the early morningmeeting called by her boss, Paige glanced at her watch and realized she had time for another quick cup of coffee. Paige chatted with Stan the Man who hogged the coffee pot, as always. “Morning, Stan. Heard any more news about this year’s draft picks or changes in coaches?”
Stan took a second too long to answer. He swiveled toward Paige. “You tell me. You’re the sports star.”
Interesting.Paige took her time choosing which coffee mug to use. She eyed the station’s sports anchor, who up until this moment was on her side, or so she thought. Petty jealous, likely. Deciding to stay neutral, Paige added, “Just curious. I’ve heard some chatter about some star rookies, even a few straight out of high school, but I’m still confirming their background.” She gave Stan her brightest smile. “I’ll be sure to let you know the minute I hear anything. For now, I have a meeting with Mr. Hales. Toodles.”
Paige didn’t bother peering at Stan to gauge his reaction as she stepped down the hallway toward her boss’s office. She knocked on the half-opened door. “Morning, Mr. Hales.”
“Good morning, Paige.” Her boss gestured toward a chair across from his desk. “Have a seat.”
After idle chit chat, Paige’s heart hammered. “Everything okay, boss?”
“Sure, sure. I’m mulling over some things—some changes—but nothing to worry about.”
Paige gulped past a lump in her throat.I think I’ve dealt with enough change the past year.She cleared her throat. “What changes?”
Mr. Hales’ leather chair squeaked as he shifted position. “I’m still working everything out. But”—he steepled his fingers—“I’d like to see more community outreach for ATV 10. Find someexceptionalhuman-interest stories to report on. You know, like you do in sports, except make it localized. As you well know,your sports stories went viral many times”—he cocked his head and grinned—"I want our local community relations stories to have the same exciting effect during the evening news. You’re the best one to pull it off since you’re a national TV star now.”
Relieved, Paige relaxed as his request sunk in. “Thanks. Hmm. This will be a fun challenge. I’ll do some checking. I assume you want current events, happenings downtown, new businesses, maybe a heartwarming story about a local shelter, right?”
“Sure, sure. Definitely those stories, but we’ve done that. Everyone covers those events. I want something new.” Mr. Hales held Paige’s stare. “Something different. And it should be an exclusive. Try to get the scoop, okay? An exclusive would be ideal for ratings.”
So, I need to cover a cool local story? Yeah, no problem. There must be a hundred of them on any given day.Paige crossed her legs. “I’ll put my feelers out and talk to some sources.” She paused. “Anything else?”
“That’s all for now.” Mr. Hales’ assistant buzzed his phone. “Make it a good one, Paige. Something exceptional. I want to hold our number one position, and I fear sports alone won’t achieve that.” He waved goodbye as he picked up the receiver.
Cuddled on the couch, Emma extended her left hand and examined her engagement ring for the hundredth time. Eli clearly noticed and said, “I’m thrilled you like your ring. I was a little nervous, but Lucy helped me pick it out.”
“Shedid?” Emma’s eyes filled with happy tears. “That’s incredibly special.”
Eli reached for Emma’s hand. “Yep. She did. Of course, if she had tried to force the Minnie Mouse fake diamond ring, I would have had to override her decision. Luckily, she agreed to help me choose a grownup ring.”
“I can’t believe you asked her to help. But that sweetens the moment even more, if that’s possible.” Emma held the ring to her chest. “Thank you. It’s perfect.”
“The real work begins now, I guess.” Eli wrinkled his nose. “Wedding planning, right?”
“It’ll be fun.” Emma yelled above the blaring kid show in the other room. “Lucy, come here.” Lucy scampered into the living room, practically colliding into Emma and Eli’s knees. “Whoa. Slow down.” Emma kissed her daughter’s cheek and ruffled her hair. “You, little Missy, need to go to bed.”
“One more show, Mommy?”
Emma shook her head. “Nope. That’s enough for tonight. Daddy and I need to—” She gasped and clapped a hand over her mouth, realizing her mistake. “Eli and I need to talk about the wedding.” Emma glanced toward Eli who played possum. Luckily, Lucy didn’t appear to have heard her, um, title for her upcoming stepfather-slash-former kindergarten teacher. Lucy had already skipped into her bedroom. “Brush your teeth, Luce.” As she heard the usual, “O-tay,” Emma said a silent prayer of thanks, wondering how that moniker had slipped out.
Emma waited until she heard the water stop before making her way to Lucy’s bedroom. “Will you read a book, Mommy?”
“Tomorrow night, Luce. Eli and I need to discuss some wedding plans.” Emma pulled the covers up to her daughter’s chin, kissed her cheek, and returned to the living room where she reached for her laptop. Emma winked at her fiancé. “Are you ready to get official about our wedding plans?”
Grinning, Eli said, “Since the minute I set eyes on you, especially since you volunteered for every possible activity in my class last year.”