Paige jumped out of bed and shoved her phone and charger in her purse. She changed into a long, silky white blouse and black leggings. She quickly brushed her hair, teeth, and applied red lip gloss. Racing downstairs, she spotted Zach having breakfast. Luckily, he had ordered for her. The table was filled with a variety of breakfast food.
She slid into the booth, nearly out of breath from rushing. “Thanks for ordering, Zach. You’re always on top of it.” As Paige finished the last bite of scrambled egg and drained her coffee, she checked the time. “We should leave for the airport. It’s getting la?—”
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the infamous Paige Daniels and her oh-so-handsome sidekick.” The buxom redhead with the sultry female voice continued, “Morning. Mind if I have a seat?” The intruder squeezed in beside Zach without waiting for an answer.
Paige immediately recognized the gorgeous, bubbly sports reporter from ESPN. The woman sat an inch—if that—from Zach who, Paige noticed, didn’t seem to mind whatsoever. Paige studied the woman’s voluptuous figure accented by a low-cut, tight-fitting green dress and high-heeled camel booties. As the woman crossed her legs, Paige watched as Zach’s eyes landed on her thigh. Feeling a tinge of jealousy, Paige chided herself.
The woman extended her hand. “We’ve never officially met. Marie Fallon. I’ve seen both of you on the field many times.”
Paige reached for Marie Fallon’s hand. Practically every finger was adorned with gold rings. Her nails were long and pointy.“Nice to meet you.” Paige narrowed her eyes. “Your nailscould be weapons. Do you have to register them with the TSA?”She immediately hated herself for being so petty.
Marie wiggled her fingers in front of Zach’s face. “What do you think of my nails, Zachy?” The woman had already given Zach the same pet name Paige’s former fiancé, Trent, always used for him. However, when Marie Fallon said it, the name came off as flirty rather than venomous.
“They’re pretty.” Zach gave a half shrug. “But I’m not sure how you button your clothes.”
Marie actually batted her eyelashes. “Oh, I can do a lot of things with these hands. Good things.Verygood things.”
Paige watched as pink crept up Zach’s neck. Ready to end this cozy get-together, she tapped her watch. “We need to leave, Zach. Otherwise, we’re going to miss our flight.”
The intruder said, “You’re going to the airport? What do you know? So am I. Mind if I hitch a ride? Thanks. I’ll just get a coffee to go. Want anything?” Marie frantically waved a server over while Paige fumed. Zach avoided looking at either woman.
On the ride to the airport, Marie made sure she sat next to Zach—right next to Zach—while Paige was forced to ride in the front seat. With every giggle coming from the back, she bristled. Zach seemed to enjoy the attention and she really couldn’t blame him. Paige was hugely attracted to Zach but mostly held him at arm’s length since her engagement had ended less than a year ago, plus they worked for the same TV station. Their relationship was complicated, but she didn’t want to lose him—and definitely not to Marie Fallon. She knew that much for certain. The previous year Paige had turned down an extremely lucrative offer from their rival station across town—the one where Trentcontinues as the main anchor. Zach was more important than a bigger salary. Paige loved working with him. Enjoyed their easy comradery, his thoughtful manner, and how he always brought her coffee or knew exactly what to say when she was faced with a challenge. Paige bristled when she heard another giggle followed by Zach’s chuckle.Wake up, Paige. You could lose this amazing guy.
When the agonizing ride was finally over, Paige grabbed her carryon and threw her purse strap over her shoulder, ready to bolt to the ticket counter. But Zach lingered, for whatever reason. She cursed under her breath. “I’m going to the restroom, Zach. I’ll meet you in a minute.” Zach, embroiled in a conversation with Marie, didn’t bother responding.
Paige’s voice trailed off. “Or I’ll see you on the plane. Whatever.”Dammit.Several minutes later, when Zach was nowhere to be found, Paige made it through security. When she got to the gate, she ordered a coffee, and glanced around their gate but didn’t see Zach. Once she boarded, Paige took her seat and waited for Zach to appear—or not. Several minutes later, Zach eventually made his way onto the plane and sat down with a thud.
As Zach buckled his seatbelt, he said, “That was interesting. It’s the first time I’ve spoken to Marie. I’ve seen her on the field through a throng of players, but we’ve never had a conversation until today.” He studied a silent Paige. “She’s nice. Right?”
“Nice?” Paige stared ahead. “Yeah, I guess.”
Zach turned toward her. “What’s wrong?”
Why are men always so clueless?Paige chose her words carefully. After all, she and Zach weren’tofficiallyin an exclusiverelationship. “Nothing, I guess. I mean, I don’t know.” The rest of the flight, Zach had his nose buried in a sports magazine while Paige attempted to sleep. When the plane landed with a thud, she told Zach she had a meeting to prepare for and was going to the station.
Shrugging, Zach said, “Suit yourself. I’m taking the afternoon off. See you back at the ranch soon.” He grinned. “I’m pretty beat but maybe I can get a round of golf in.”
“Have fun.” Paige hugged him but wrinkled her nose as she pulled back. “You smell like perfume.”
Zach sniffed his shirt. “Marie’s perfumewaspretty strong. Guess I’d better wash this shirt. Smells good, though. I wonder what it’s called.”
Enemy, Paige thought.Marie’s perfume must be called Enemy, or maybe Foe.She turned on her heel and headed for her car wondering why she was so jealous of another woman.I don’t like this version of me; but my gut tells me I shouldn’t like her even more.
Zach showed up with a pizza an hour before bedtime. But Paige didn’t complain. She was more than happy to erase the memory of Marie Fallon. Both exhausted from traveling, they devoured the pizza and fell asleep cuddled on the couch with the television still on mute. The empty pizza carton was on the floor, likely knocked over during their playful late-night canoodling.
Bright sunshine through the living room window awakened Paige. Stretching, she stared at her rumpled clothes—from yesterday—and chuckled. She gave a snoring Zach a nudge. “Morning, sleepyhead. I can’t believe we slept on the couch.” Paige snuggled against Zach’s warm body. Litte did she know last year when she and Trent were engaged and when she was assigned to the dismal world of sports, that she would find out her fiancé was a cheating bastard and the sports gig was actually something she enjoyed and excelled at. When she thrust ATV 10 from the number two spot to the number one position, thepremier market position made her exceedingly happy, especially since Trent still worked at the rival—now number two—station across town.Karma, baby.
“Someone looks incredibly happy.” Zach placed his arm across her waist and kissed her forehead. Grinning, he asked, “How much time do we have?”
“Not that much.” Paige kicked a navy throw off her feet. “Sorry, babe, but I need coffee like yesterday and have an early morning meeting with the boss.”
“I’m a patient guy.”
She stood. “That you are. It’s one of many things that I adore about you.”
“You adore me?”