Right on cue, Zach placed a cup of coffee near her door and waved. He started this thoughtful gesture when he came on board last year, and it was one of his most charming attributes. She mouthedthank you. He gave her a thumbs up and left.
“Hello, this is Paige Daniels. How may I help you?”
The caller’s voice sounded garbled, almost robotic, but for some reason she didn’t hang up. “You’re a fraud, Paige, and I’m going to make sure everyone knows it, down to your stupid viral videos. You’re a joke. You don’t belong in sports.”
Paige swallowed as the male caller—she thought it was a male—hung up. The voice was muffled as if he or she were talking through a sock. Breaking out in a sweat, she leaned back in her chair trying to gather what had just happened. Staring at her phone as if it were a viper, Paige’s heart hammered.What was that all about?Who the hell would do this?
She called Zach. “Will you come back to my office? Hurry!”
“Be right there.” When Zach arrived, he noticed the coffee cup still by the door and winked. “I think you’re getting forgetful in middle age.”
“I’m not middle-aged. Listen, Zach. I just got the creepiest call.”
Zach closed her office door and sat in a chair across from her desk. With a furrowed brow, he asked, “What did they say?”
After Paige relayed the message, Zach’s jaw clenched. “I don’t like this. Not one bit.”
“Neither do I.” Paige held her hands out. “I’m shaking.”
“It’s probably an overzealous fan, maybe a player who was upset you didn’t feature him, or it could be someone from a competing network who wants your job. It’s probably a stupid prank. Try not to overthink it.”
“Maybe. Probably.” She sighed. “I hope you’re right.” Taking a sip of the now-cold coffee, Paige said, “Thanks for always having my back.”
“I preferrubbingyour back, but you’re welcome.” Zach stood. “Bad timing. I’m really sorry to cut this short, but I have a meeting with Stan the Man. He loves talking stats with me. I think I’ll start calling him Statman.”
Paige managed a chuckle. “He’d love that moniker, I bet.”
With his hand on the doorknob, Zach eyed her. “Are you going to be okay? I can cancel if you need me.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Probably a one-off. Want to go to dinner tonight? That’ll get my mind off this.”
“Sure, but where? We’re still being stealthy about our relationship, right?” Zach glanced at his watch. “Actually, I need to do laundry and pack before we leave to see the new rookies.” Wincing, he added, “I’m late for my meeting. Don’t worry about the jerk caller. It’s probably a random troll.”
“You’re right. I know you’re right. Tell Stan I said hi.” Paige did her best to block out the call and rechecked the time for theirupcoming flight.I should do laundry and finish packing too.She answered a few emails and left for home.
At The Twisted Pasta, Eli had reserved a corner booth laden with white candles, more pink rose petals, and chilled champagne in the middle of the table. Eli pulled out Emma’s chair and then Lucy’s as the server lit the candles.
“Welcome, I understand we’re celebrating tonight.”
Lucy bobbed her head before blurting, “Mommy and Mr. Hansen are getting married.”
The server’s eyes twinkled. “Mr. Hansen. Very formal.” He smothered a chuckle.
Emma winked at Lucy. “My boyfriend, er fiancé, was my daughter’s kindergarten teacher last year. She can’t seem to break the habit of using his last name.”
Eli reached for the server’s hand and shook it. “I’m Eli Hansen and this is Emma Miller, and her daughter, Lucy, who is correct. We’re getting married as of tonight.”
“Well, then. This is a big, big evening. I’ll take good care of you.” After the server poured champagne into two flutes, as well as white grape juice in a small glass for Lucy, he explained the specials. “I’ll give you time to think about it and enjoy your drinks. Congratulations.”
After they stuffed themselves with lasagna, garlic bread, and roasted asparagus, a giddy Emma said, “I feel like I’m dreaming. Tell me I’m not dreaming.”
“You’re not dreaming, Mommy. We’re right here.”
Eli stroked Emma’s arm. “Not a dream. In fact, I say we set a date right here, right now.”