“Really?” Emma’s eyebrows shot up.
“Really. How long does it take to plan a wedding?” Eli shrugged. “It can’t take that long, can it?”
Emma laughed long and hard. “That depends on, wow, a lot of things. Remember the wedding I was supposed to plan for my best friend but forgot until it was almost too late?”
Eli chuckled. “Yeah, that’s because you volunteered for every single activity in my classroom.”
Emma felt her cheeks pinken. “Guilty. But it’s your fault for being a hot kindergarten teacher.”
“Yeah, right. But your friend never married, right?”
“It didn’t work out. He chea-” Emma stopped herself before divulging too much in front of her impressionable daughter. “They broke up. I hope she’ll date her coworker, Zach. The one who covers the games with her. They make a cute couple.”
Finishing his champagne, Eli said, “We make a cuter one. Now, about that date. What do you think?”
Emma chewed on her lip. “Gosh, I don’t know. Should we get married in the fall or next winter?”
“Next winter?” Eli frowned. “I hate to wait that long but will if you want to. Honestly, I don’t know a thing about timelines and weddings.”
Wiping her mouth, “I know someone who could help.”
“Nigel. He owns a bridal shop. That’s where I got Paige’s wedding gown.”
Eli grinned. “The one she never wore?”
“Yep, and the one she gifted to me.”
Lucy perked up. “The Cinderella dress, Mommy?”
“That’s the one.” Emma winked at her daughter.
“Sounds like we have a plan. Bringing in a professional would relieve a lot of stress.” Eli sipped his champagne. “I can’t wait until we’re all one big happy family.”
“Or a small family.” Emma giggled.
Lucy played with her fork. “Are you going to have a baby, Mommy?”
Emma’s eyebrows shot up. “What would make you ask that?”
Shrugging, Lucy said, “I could be a big sister.”
Emma held both hands up, robbery style. “We’ve had enough excitement for one evening. Let’s stop and savor this incredible engagement.” As Emma stared at her engagement ring, Lucy asked, “What does savor mean?”
Eli explained the word to Lucy and added, “I’m not saying I’m against Lucy’s idea. Not at al—” He stopped talking when he noticed Emma’s shocked face. “Yeah, you’re right. We’ve had enough excitement for today. Let’s take one major topic at a time.”
Emma blew out her breath. “I don’t think my heartrate could take any more right now.” She wrapped her arms around Eli and whispered, “But I’m not against it. Now’s isn’t the time, especially in front of big ears.”
Nodding, Eli wiped his mouth and held Emma’s head in his hands. He kissed both cheeks and left her with a lingering kiss on the lips. “I love you, Mrs. Almost-Hansen.”
Paige and Zach caught an early flight. After he reassured her the prank caller was likely a one and done, she relaxed as they mapped out their trip to observe the new NFL draft picks. “We need to learn their names and backstories.” After hearing a mumbled, “uh huh,” Paige opened her laptop to research several promising players and took copious notes while Zach slept the entire flight.
Exhausted from the long day, as well as the scorching heat that had beaten down on them relentlessly while at the stadium for hours, Paige was beyond ready to leave. The station had placed them in separate hotel rooms since they were colleagues and no one was wiser to their relationship. She was secretly glad—at least for tonight. She simply wanted a good night’s sleep and Zach seemed to agree. They kissed goodbye in the elevator and that was about all Paige remembered before nearly oversleeping the following morning.