Page 16 of Bride Games

Emma nodded. “Sort of. That’s enough syrup. The recipe calls for cashews in the middle. That sounds like a nice sweet and salty combination. Do you want cashews on yours?”

As predicted, Lucy wrinkled her nose. “No nuts.”

Emma sprinkled cashews over half the cake and left the other half with only chocolate syrup before handing Lucy ten more ice cream sandwiches to unwrap.

After she unwrapped two, Lucy held both little hands up. “My hands are cold, Mommy.”

“Mine are too but we have to work fast before it melts.” Emma took half of Lucy’s ice cream sandwiches and quickly placed them in the dish. “I’ll add more whipped topping. Then, we need another pretty drizzle design on top. “I bought strawberry and caramel too. Which do you want?”


“I thought you’d say that.”

“I’ll do it.” Lucy reached for the red bottle.

“Let me help.” Emma reached for the bottle as Lucy gave it a hard squeeze. Strawberry juice spread all over the cake.

“Sorry, Mommy.”

Emma bit her tongue. “It’s fine. It’ll be good. But I’m going to drizzle the caramel.”

Eli stepped inside and reached for the hot dogs. He peered in their direction. “I didn’t know the cake was red.”

“Uh—” Emma winked. “Each layer seems to have a different color.”

Lucy waved with a Cool Whip-covered hand. “It’ll be a surprise, Mr. Hansen.”

Eli grinned. “I love surprises. Great job you two.” Chuckling, he added, “But I’ll handle the grilling.”

Emma unfolded three green adult lawn chairs as Lucy opened a yellow kid-sized chair. While they worked, they heard a, “Hello, anybody home?”

“We’re back here.” Emma stepped across the yard to greet her neighbor with a warm hug. “I’m glad you’re joining us.”

Mrs. Roberts beamed. “Thanks for inviting me.”

Lucy springboarded across the lawn and hugged both of the neighbor’s legs so hard she nearly toppled over. “Hi, Mrs. Woberts. Want a hot dog?”

Emma steadied the neighbor. “Let Mrs. Roberts get in the yard, Luce. Eli is still grilling. You can show her where to sit.”

Lucy stood before the three lawn chairs, clearly trying to decide where the kind neighbor should sit. She scrutinized the chairs as if she were making a board-level executive decision.

Emma and Mrs. Roberts exchanged looks and a shared grin. “This should be good.”

Pointing with her index finger, Lucy said, “This one,” as she chose the chair closest to hers.

“Good decision, Luce.”

“I get to sit next toyou, Lucy?” Mrs. Roberts asked. “I’m honored.”

“It’s not even my birthday.” Lucy plopped in her seat for all of five seconds before bounding toward Eli. “Are the hot dogs ready?”

The sizzling grilled scent of charcoal wafted through the air, smelling of all things summer, camping, boating, and childhood. “Not quite.” Eli waved his tongs over the grill.

Emma stood. “I’m going to set the table or would you rather eat outside?”

“Outside,” everyone shouted as Eli turned the foil-wrapped corn on the cob.

The women disappeared into the kitchen gathering plates, utensils, and napkins—plenty of napkins. Emma asked Mrs. Roberts to carry the pitcher of lemonade as she stacked plastic glasses. She led her to their small patio table as Eli brought over a large platter of steaming hot dogs and the corn. Emma rushed back inside to get the condiments while Mrs. Roberts filled the glasses. Lucy attempted to set the table, folding the napkins in irregular shapes.