Once they were all seated and filled their plates, Emma moaned when she bit into the corn. Mrs. Roberts did as well. “This is delicious, Eli. Absolutely divine. I’ll watch Lucy anytime if you throw me some crumbs on occasion.”
“You’re always welcome, Mrs. Roberts.” Emma watched her daughter devour nearly every bite, winked at Eli, and mouthed,Great idea. Lucy hadn’t fretted about the first day of school since their little summer party began.
As Lucy drained most of her lemonade, she brightened. “Guess what, Mrs. Woberts? We made an ice cream cake.”
“Oh, my.” The neighbor rubbed her belly. “I’m already full.”
Lucy’s face fell as Mrs. Roberts quickly added, “But I’d love a piece if you made it.”
“Goody. Mommy helped.”
After dinner, Emma went inside with a stack of dirty dishes, telling Eli the chef doesn’t wash up. “Be right back with our creation.” She took the ice cream sandwich cake out of the freezer and let it thaw for a few minutes while she loaded the dishwasher. She asked Lucy to come in to carry dessert platesoutside and took a picture of her holding the cake. “I’m putting this on my Etsy page. Everyone will love your beautiful cake, Luce.”
“Hurry, it’s cold, Mommy.”
“Just smile for a second and I’ll take the photo. It’s supposed to be cold, silly girl. Ice cream usually is.”
Content with the photo, Emma searched for a pie server in their messy utensil drawer which apparently hadn’t been organized since Michael Jackson was alive. Eventually finding the utensil, she stepped outside, placed the cake in the middle of the table, and unfurled the aluminum foil.
Eli bit his bottom lip as Mrs. Roberts’ mouth flew open. Lucy, clearly watching their reactions, said, “Don’t you like it?”
“It’s—it’s beautiful. Sort of like a Picasso painting,” the neighbor said.
“What’s ‘caso?”
“I love it. Are we going to admire the cake or eat it?” Eli asked.
Emma cut the cake and asked Lucy to hold the plates one at a time while she served. Among oohs and ahhs, Eli said, “This is the best cake I’ve had in years.”
Lucy brightened. “In years?”
The neighbor swallowed a big bite. “I’d love to have this recipe. Again, I’m offering free babysitting.”
“You’ve got it.” Emma cut another half slice. “Anyone want the other half?”
“No, but I’ll take a whole one.” Eli winked at Lucy. “You can cook for me anytime.”
“O-tay.” Lucy yawned. Emma glanced at her watch. She had just over an hour to get her in the tub and into bed. “Luce, as soon as you’re finished, go find your PJs. I’ll be in soon.”
After they cleaned up, the neighbor thanked them profusely for the delightful meal. The moment Mrs. Roberts left, Emma kissed Eli. “You were so smart to think of this. You got Lucy’s mind off her back-to-school jitters.”
After Lucy tried on three outfits—again—for the first day of school, Emma finally got her daughter to decide on a pink ruffled skirt, white tee with a purple unicorn, and her pink and white light-up shoes. She watched Lucy stuff her feet inside her shoes and adeptly fasten the Velcro®straps.Thank goodness for Velcro.Emma wasn’t sure how moms ever got their kids to school on time when they first learned to tie their shoes.
“Lucy, eat some strawberries while I make cinnamon toast.” Emma reached into the fridge. “Here’s a peach yogurt.” She refilled her coffee as she watched Lucy nibble in painstaking slow motion. Emma glanced at the clock on the microwave and grabbed her daughter’s pink backpack. “Luce, you don’t want to be late on the first day. Let’s go.”
“O-tay, Mommy.”
They both piled into Emma’s car and she drove to Appledale Elementary on autopilot. The line of cars was unusually long, likely since it was the first day and everyone wanted to meet their teachers and see which students were in their class. Emma got in the queue of drivers and turned toward her daughter. “Want me to find a parking space and walk you inside?”
“No, I’m a big girl now.”
“That’s right, first grader.” Emma handed Lucy her backpack and said, “I’ll be here after school. Have fun today, honey. I love you.”
“I wuv you too.” Lucy unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the back door. She hopped onto the sidewalk and blew Emma a kiss.