Disappointed the flowers weren’t from Zach, Paige took the vase and bouquet to the reception area. Instead of chatting, she plunked them on the counter near the receptionist whose mouth flew open before she said, “Again? Someone really likes you. Don’t you want them, Paige?”
Shaking her head, Paige said, “Enjoy.” She turned on her heel and practically stomped back to her office.Forget it, Trent. I don’t date, let alone marry, cheaters.
After she sat down hard in her office chair, her thoughts swirled.Why isn’t Zach calling me? And what the hell is happening at that party?
She took a sip of her now-cold coffee, and as if on cue, her cellphone rang. Paige could see Zach’s name on her screen but decided to answer in her professional voice. “Paige Daniels.”
She heard him mumble, “Shit,” after Zach dropped his cell. The clatter of the phone on the floor nearly broke her ear drum. Paige heard music blaring, multiple rowdy voices, followed bydammit. She strained to differentiate the background noise and prickled when she heard Marie Fallon, the ESPN bigwig, say, “Zachy, come here. I’m lonely. Let’s dance again.”
Paige’s voice rose. “Oh, my God. What’s going on…Zachy? What is this? A two-day party? What the hell.” Paige felt her jaw clench.I definitely should have gone.Bristling, Paige used her formal television voice to say, “Zach, clear your head and get to another room—somewhere quiet. I need to talk to you right away.”
She heard a rustling sound followed by more giggles, loud music, and his slurred response. “Yeah, P-Paige. This is…a…really…fun par-ty. You should have…joined us.”
Us?Paige hung up. The last thing she wanted to hear was a drunken Zach having fun with what’s-her-name from ESPN. This was definitely the cherry on top of an already miserable day—or week. She tossed her phone on her desk and paced inside her office, closing the door so coworkers wouldn’t overhear if he called back. Within seconds, Paige reached for her phone and texted him.
Zach, you sound really drunk. You need to Uber home. I’ll help you get your car tomorrow—or Marie can. Whatever. Just be safe. Dammit.
None of the usual x’s and o’s or hearts made it into her text. She waited all of two seconds before adding a postscript.
P.S. Please don’t call or come by my house.
Paige knew her last sentence was childish but couldn’t resist. She was beyond miserable and found it hard to believe her sweet boyfriend, nonetheless undercover beau—who wasn’t quite her beau—but still.How could he be partying with the competition? Maybe he wants a job at ESPN. Maybe he truly likes Marie.
Unable to concentrate on work, Paige changed her voicemail saying she’d be out of the office for the rest of the day. She gathered her purse and keys and considered driving straight toa bar but she didn’t want to go alone.The second rose delivery crossed her mind. Maybe I should give Trent another chance. Maybe he has changed. Doubtful.
Instead, she drove to her favorite coffee shop and wore her biggest, darkest, most oversized sunglasses. The last thing Paige wanted was to make idle chitchat with strangers or fans. She was in a mood.
Scrolling social media mindlessly while sipping hot coffee, she couldn’t stop herself from reading through Marie Fallon’s easy, flirty interviews with football players, which further angered her but she couldn’t stop. She was obsessed with knowing more about the woman who was not only in competition with her professionally but now also openly flirting with her boyfriend. Of course, Marie didn’t know Zach was her boyfriend because they kept it secret but that wasn’t the point. Paige half smiled as she wondered if Zach accidentally told Marie about their relationship while in a drunken stupor.
Paige took a big gulp of unusually strong java and nearly dripped some down her suit as she read an obscure gossip rag about none other than the dreaded Marie Fallon. Word on the street was she’s job hunting but hadn’t yet told ESPN.
Great. That’s just great.Maybe she’ll join our rival station.She could picture Trent and Marie working side by side at the anchor desk and laughed out loud. Several customers turned in her direction but she busied herself with her phone.I’m not sure Trent could handle her. He just might meet his match.The thought brightened her mood—slightly. To get her mind off Zach and Trent, Paige texted Emma and mentioned she was glad they went to Bride & Joy and found her dress.
Emma texted back:
Thank you for going. You look fabulous in orange, girlfriend!
Paige nearly spewed her coffee. At least her best friend always made her laugh. She thanked Emma for turning her crappy day around and finished her coffee, calmer than she was when she left the office. Now, she was downright worried about Zach and wanted to make sure he arrived home safely.
Leaving the coffee shop, Paige drove home and changed into jogging shorts.I need to clear my head, or at least distract myself from Marie Fallon and her stupid party.With each pounding step, she was more annoyed by Trent sending her roses out of the blue and was also not exactly pleased Zach went to the party.What’s your deal, Trent? Just leave me alone.
Paige stopped as a mom with a double stroller walked toward her on the sidewalk. Peeking inside, she saw one pink baby blanket and one blue. “Twins?” Paige asked stupidly. She decided to answer her own question. “I’m sure they are. Enjoy your walk.” She rushed past before the woman recognized her and badgered her with questions about television life or sports. She wasn’t in the mood.
As she rounded a corner, her thoughts turned to Zach.Why would he go to Marie’s party? They just met. Yeah, sure, she apparently has a big house, pool, a live band, and NFL players attended. Big whoop. Okay, I’m a tiny bit jealous. Maybe a lot jealous.Paige rolled her eyes, even though no one could see her.I probably should have gone, but I’ve got to trust Zach. All men aren’t like Trent.She reached down to retie her tennis shoe.Are they?
Heart pounding from jogging and worry, Paige returned home and took a speedy shower.I’ve got to find Zach.As she threw on a black sleeveless turtleneck and white jeans, Paige cursed herself for not finding out Marie’s address and picking Zach up herself. She didn’t have any idea where the diva lived and hated the fact that she had left her drunken boyfriend in her clutches. Paige dialed Zach’s number for the second time as she sat at a stoplight. But the call went to voicemail.Crap. I’m driving to his apartment. Maybe he’ll be there.
Driving too fast but on a mission, Paige hoped she didn’t get a speeding ticket as sweat broke out on the back of her neck. Luckily, most of the stoplights were green and she arrived at Zach’s townhouse in record time. Hopping out of her car barely before she had put her car in park, Paige pounded on his front door. “Zach. Zach. Are you inside?” She placed her ear against the door but didn’t hear any sounds. Still, she kept talking. “I’m sorry, Zach. If you’re inside, let me in. Please. I need to see you. I want to see you.”
The house was quiet and dark. Paige smiled at a neighbor walking a dog. The older man paused and gawked as she peeked in a window. Waving to the man, Paige said, “It’s okay. My, uh,friend lives here. He wasn’t feeling well. I’m just checking on him.”
The man nodded and took a step before turning back around, nearly tripping himself with the dog leash. “I recognize your voice.” He stared directly at her. “Are you Paige Daniels? You are, aren’t you? I love your sports coverage.”
Paige smiled. She wanted to lie so the gentleman wouldn’t connect her to Zach but she couldn’t. “Yes, it’s me. Thank you.” She punched her arm in the air and faked a, “Here’s to football. Have a nice day.” Luckily, the man didn’t pry and left with his Lab, only turning back to peer at her one more time.
Knocking louder, Paige waited a few minutes and leaned against his door.Zach must still be at the party. Dammit. I should have told him I’d pick him up. I should have gone to Marie’s over-the-top party.She drove home stewing the entire way.He’s probably in Marie’s clutches right now—or worse, in a car accident.Her eyes filled with tears.She slammed her fist on the steering wheel and drove home imagining the worst.