Page 25 of Bride Games

As she pulled into her driveway, Zach stood against her garage with a goofy smile on his face. She had never been happier to see him. She didn’t even bother pulling into the garage, parked on the driveway, and ran toward him. Wrapping her arms around Zach’s neck, Paige said, “I’m so happy you’re okay. I’m sorry. I guess I got a little jealous.”

He squeezed her back. “I wish you’d gone. You look gorgeous, by the way.” Zach’s speech was still slurred as he said, “Her party was-was over the top.”

“You smell like booze.” Paige wrinkled her nose. “And smoke. Don’t tell me you started smoking.”

“Nah. Several of the players were drinking whiskey and smoking cigars around a firepit. I wanted to fit in, you know? I tried a few puffs but it nearly gagged me. Of course, I pretendedI was a cigar aficionado.” Grinning a lopsided grin, Zach said, “Don’t tell anyone that part, ‘k?”

Paige reached for his hand. “You’re a nut. Come inside. I’m going to have some wine. Want anything?”

“Definitely not booze.” Zach weaved slightly. “Maybe a saltine cracker. Or seltzer.” He pleaded with his eyes. “Maybe both.”

“You’re in luck. I happen to have both.” As Paige opened the front door, she made sure her car was locked. She instructed Zach to sit on the couch while she rummaged in the kitchen, eventually handing him a box of crackers. She stepped toward her medicine cabinet where she stored painkillers, sleep meds, and seltzer. After she handed the meds to Zach with a glass of water, she poured herself a glass of wine.

Settling beside him on the couch, she said, “Tell me everything.” Paige chuckled as she pointed to cracker crumbs in his lap. “You get to vacuum when you feel better. Back to the party, though. Seriously, how was it?”

“I really don’t remember much.” Zach shrugged. “Sorry.”

“Men.Come on. How many people were there? Which players? What food was served? What does her house look like? How was the band?” Paige giggled when she saw Zach’s deer-in-headlights look. “I like details, Zach. You know that.”

He drank the seltzer and nodded. “I’m thinking. I’m thinking. There was alotgoing on. It was a madhouse, really. Shoulder to shoulder. I’ve never been to an enormous party like that, especially with famous people”—he grinned—“except for you, of course.”

Paige playfully punched him. “Nice house?”

“Really nice. Huge pool, firepit, cool outside lights like you’d see in an eclectic place downtown. We were outside mostly. That’s where the band was. The bar was in one corner. A full bar. Free booze.” Zach paused but didn’t make eye contact. Heblew out his breath. “She was all over me, Paige. I mean, Marie doesn’t have a shy bone in her body.”

Paige stiffened.Bitch.“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. Of course, no one knows we’re dating.” She blew out her breath. “Go on.”

“You know, it was the usual party stuff—appetizers, too much booze, loud music, and people getting drunk and acting stupid.” Zach made a face. “I don’t think I acted stupid.” He grimaced. “At least I hope not.”

“Who was there?”

Shrugging, Zach said, “ESPN folks, a couple of rookie players, several sports people, and—get this—a couple of refs. They really got razzed for showing favoritism.”

Paige knew that was probably the extent of the details she’d hear from Zach. For now, anyway. She shook her head and blew out her breath. “ESPN must pay well.”

“Apparently. A lot more than I get, that’s for sure.” Zach ate another handful of crackers. “I’m starving. Want to order Chinese or pizza? It’s on me.”

Snorting, Paige said, “You bet it’s on you. Chinese. Go ahead and order. I’m getting another glass of wine. It has been a day.”

After the food arrived, Paige arranged it on plates. She hated eating out of cartons. She handed Zach orange chicken, rice, and an egg roll. She had ordered the same for herself. Once they were seated at her kitchen table, Paige handed Zach a napkin and some soy sauce. With a smile, she said, “While you were partying with Marie Fallon for two days, my ex decided to send me roses again. Two days in a row.”

Zach nearly choked on his eggroll. “Trent? Trent sent you roses? Twice?” He visibly gulped. “Don’t tell me you’re going back to that cad.”

“Not unless you keep partying with Marie. Kidding! He’s a jerk and a cheater.” Paige gave Zach a sly smile. “I guess I’ll just have to move on to an NFL player.”

“Ha ha. Very funny. What’s his problem? Why is Trent pestering you?”

“No one knows we’re dating, remember? That includes Trent.” Shrugging, Paige added, “He said something about messing up. He wants another chance. Also, that he misses me.” She stabbed a large piece of chicken and put it in her mouth. “I’m not stupid. Don’t worry.”

Zach moved food around his plate. “Iamworried. You were engaged to the guy. You clearly loved him once. I’ll never speak to that Marie woman again. I don’t want to lose you, Paige. We’re just getting started.”

Nodding, Paige said, “Glad to hear it. Everything will work out. One way or another.”

Zach devoured over half his food and took his plate to the sink. “I’m not sure I like that answer.”

“Good. I need to keep you on your toes.” Paige winked as she emptied the remains of her plate in the garbage disposal. “I’m going to take a quick shower.” She put her arms around Zach’s neck and buried her nose in his neck. “Actually,youneed to shower. I can’t take that cigar smell.”

Zach grinned. “Here or at home?”