Page 100 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 71

While Fernando barbecued burgers and grilled corn on the cob, Vanessa made brownies. Jon stirred a pitcher of lemonade and kept a watchful eye on a sleeping Violet.

The doorbell rang three times.

“That’s going to wake the baby.” Jon sprinted through the living room.

Vanessa followed him and peered around the front door. “Suzy, what a nice surprise.”

Suzy winced. “Sorry about the doorbell. It got stuck.”

“No problem. She’s still asleep.” Vanessa opened the door wider. “Come in.”

I can’t stay. Ken and I are going to a movie, but I have a special delivery arriving any minute. I wanted to be here to see your reaction.”

Jon stepped onto the porch and hugged his mom. “Is it that gorgeous silver mirror I’ve been coveting?”

“Even better.” Suzy glanced around the room. “Where’s Fernando?”

“He’s grilling on the deck. I’ll go get him.” Vanessa returned with an apron-wearing Fernando.

Brightening when he spotted his mother-in-law, Fernando asked, “Mama Suzy, can you stay for burgers? I made chili burgers with green peppers and onions.” He formed his fingers together and placed them on his lips, making the familiar Italian gesture as if he were kissing the air. “They’re the best.”

“That sounds delicious. I wish I could but I’m meeting Ken.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “We’re having a date. Izzy is spending the night with a friend.”

The loud beep-beep of a delivery truck got everyone’s attention. They stepped into the yard and watched as the driver backed into their driveway. Four men hopped out, put a gigantic ramp down, and steadied the massive, covered contents on rollers. One shouted, “Where do you want this?”

“Is that your piano?” Jon’s eyes bulged. “You’re giving us your piano?”

Suzy nodded. “I never play it anymore, plus the music soothes Violet. I want you guys to have it. Think of it as our housewarming gift.”

“That’s a helluva housewarming gift, Mom.”

“Mama Suzy, thank you isn’t nearly enough. You’re beyond generous.” Fernando wrapped his arms around his mother-in-law and dipped her so far over her head nearly touched the ground.

Clinging to Fernando, she said, “Don’t drop me. And you’re welcome.” Once she was upright, she added, “Besides, as much as I love my granddaughter, those middle-of-the-night piano serenades might get a little old. Ken and I enjoy our sleep. I’ve gotta run. Tell the delivery guys where you want it. I’m off to meet my husband.”