Chapter 70
After several restless days of worrying about the bank party and unable to see Tony who said he was unavailable due to top-secret undercover police work, Alex ate little and slept even less.
Glad to get to work without an 8 o’clock meeting for once, she stared at her piled-high desk while reaching for her trilling desk phone. “Alexandra Mitchell, Market—”
A deep voice didn’t bother with a greeting. “I can’t be at your bank thing.”
Leaning back in her chair, Alex stared out the window as employees parked. She took a few calming breaths that didn’t calm her whatsoever. Tony knew how important this event was. Bristling, she inwardly counted to ten before responding.
“Did you hear me?” he asked.
“Why the hell not? You know how important this is to me.” She scooted a pile of folders so fast across her desk the documents fell onto the floor. “Dammit.”
“Nikki’s in the hospital. She needs help with Joey.” He paused. “Sorry, babe. You know I’d be there if I could.”
“Because you love these types of things.” Alex rolled her eyes. “Nikki’s in the hospital? What’s your ex in for? Mental health or substance abuse?”
“Very funny. You should have been a comedienne.” Tony lowered his voice as if someone might overhear. “Apparently, it’s some kind of female stuff.”
“Yeah, right.” Alex’s mind raced. “She probably wanted to keep you away from me. Did you tell her about the bank celebration?”
“Yeah I told her. What does that have to do with anything?”
“Everything.” Switching ears, Alex said, “I’m not buying it.”
Sounding worried, Tony said, “It could be serious. I’ve got to help out.”
“Whatever. I’ve got a million things to do.” Alex hung up without saying goodbye. Tears stung her eyes. She wondered if she’d ever come first with Tony. Her thoughts immediately went to Cheri’s limo driver. I wish Gage weren’t in New York. I bet he’d be there for me in a heartbeat.
As per her usual bad timing, Hannah appeared and propped her feet on the edge of Alex’s desk. She chirped, “The bank anniversary will be lit tonight. I think we’ve done everything possible.”
“We forgot flowers,” Alex said dryly. “Why don’t you go find a couple of nice centerpieces? Try to get colors in our bank logo.”
“Burgundy carnations. Easy.” Hannah grabbed her massive yellow and navy striped Tommy Hilfiger bag and left.
I hope to God we remembered everything. If not, Jim will have my head. Thanks a lot for your support, Tony.