Chapter 66
At work the next day, Alex pounced on Hannah before her intern had a chance to set her purse down. “Why were you at Coconuts last night?”
Shrugging, Hannah said, “Why not? It’s a fun bar. I like the tropical-theme.”
“It’s my hangout.” Alex’s voice rose a notch.
“Yours? Do you own it?” Hannah dared Alex with her eyes.
Exasperated, Alex said, “Of course I don’t own it. I work here, remember? But I’ve gone to Coconuts for years with my girlfriends. It’s our oasis. Our happy place. Not yours.”
Hannah adjusted her bra strap. Alex had to bite her tongue to keep from telling a boob joke but didn’t want to get into trouble with Human Resources. Besides she was beginning to wonder if she was a tiny bit jealous of Hannah’s voluptuous figure. Her C-cups looked like a budding teenager compared to her intern.
Crossing her arms, Hannah pouted. “Why can’t it be my oasis too?”
“Find your own damn bar. I’m sure there are a hundred in Crystal City.” Alex brightened. “I hear there are some cool, new bars downtown. Try one of those. They probably play that rap music you like.”
“I can go to Coconuts if I want. Last I heard, it’s a free country.” Hannah plopped in a chair across from Alex’s desk. “What’s on tap today, boss?”
Alex fumed at the thought of Hannah’s ruining her weekly girlfriend outing. “What’s on tap is still the bank anniversary celebration, but not so fast. Who was with you last night?” Alex watched as Hannah’s face grew pale.
“No one special.” She shrugged. “A friend.” Retrieving her iPad in an obvious attempt to avoid Alex’s inquisition, she asked, “What’s up first on the anniversary planning?”
Alex decided to let it go—this time. She was ninety percent sure Hannah was with Sean but never got a clear frontal view of him, plus Coconuts has a dark interior. My life is complicated enough with Tony and his hateful ex. I certainly don’t need Hannah and Sean throwing a wrench into the absurd mess.
Straightening her orange and ivory striped blouse, Alex said, “I need coffee. Since you’re interning for college credit, why don’t you tell me the top ten order for the celebration? Think of it as a class assignment.”
Within minutes, Alex returned with two cups of coffee—both for herself—which she sorely needed after seeing her nemesis invade her favorite hangout. She placed both cups beside her computer and glanced at her busy calendar.
Hannah glanced up from her iPad. “Is one of those for me?”
Both women started as the bank president leaned inside Alex’s office. “Morning, ladies. How’s everything in marketing?”
Hannah beamed. “Daddy, Alex put me in charge of the bank’s anniversary celebration. Isn’t that wonderful?”
“I knew she’d see your value. Hannah is indispensable isn’t she, Alex?” Jim patted the doorframe. “I’m thrilled you two get along so well.”
Hannah shot Alex a daring expression that her dad couldn’t see. Alex bit her tongue. Again.
After Jim left, Alex powered up her computer, hating the fact that she had to put up with an intern from hell, and worse, had to share a damn office with Daddy’s darling. “Well? Let’s get back on the anniversary plans. What have you got for me?”
Clearing her throat for noticeable added emphasis, Hannah ran down a list of social media suggestions to announce the anniversary date, online apps and giveaways, and bank website updates. After she went through her technical spiel, she set her iPad on Alex’s desk.
“What do you think? Pretty good, right?” She dusted her hands in a satisfied motion. “I’m pretty quick on my feet.” She pointed to her head. “Beauty and brains. Can’t beat ’em.”
Alex silently counted to ten before responding, trying hard not to laugh. Oh, how I’m going to enjoy this. Putting Hannah in her place is becoming almost as important as my morning coffee.
Sighing for emphasis, Alex said, “Remember our discussion about targeted marketing and how our customers skew older? It’s fine to have both an online presence, apps, and the like, but be sure you combine them with what you call ‘old school’ marketing like radio, television, billboards, and print. We need to have a marketing mix for many age ranges.”
Obviously bored with Alex’s lecture, Hannah leaned forward giving Alex full view of her twin summits. “Is that it? I have an appointment for a massage.”
Alex thought about how much she could use a massage. “That’s it. Update what we discussed and make it happen.”
Striking a perfect model pose with one hand on her hip, Hannah said, “No worries. I’ve got this.”