Chapter 67
All week, Jon and Fernando had gathered what seemed like a thousand boxes, gave their landlord notice, and packed up their apartment, as well as Vanessa’s duplex. After days of fast food carry-out including pizza, sub sandwiches, Indian food, and Chinese, a persistent knock on the door followed by a shrill doorbell forced the men to freeze in place.
Fernando groaned. “Who could that be? You get the door. I have a hot date with bubble wrap.”
With newspaper stuck to his shoe, Jon flung the door open. “Mom? What’s this?”
Beaming, Suzy said, “I know how hard you’ve been working and thought you could use a home-cooked meal.”
“I smell heaven.” Fernando jumped up and cleared a path, throwing boxes into a corner. “Mama Suzy to the rescue. Please come in at your own risk.” Chuckling, he said, “It’s like Roller Derby in here. Seriously, don’t trip.” He kissed her on both cheeks as he reached for a still-warm casserole dish. “I’ll try to find a countertop. There’s got to be a bare square inch somewhere.”
After hugging her, Jon said, “Thanks, Mom. You’re a lifesaver. We’re sick of takeout.”
Ken appeared with another covered dish. “Hi, guys. We thought you could use some help.”
Whistling, Jon said, “You’ve got that right.”
Suzy balanced a salad bowl in one hand while placing her purse on the floor.
“This smells amazing.” Jon rubbed his belly. “What did you bring?”
“Your favorites—artichoke chicken, roasted asparagus with cherry tomatoes, and a Caesar salad. Let me wash my hands. I need to warm them up.” Suzy’s eyebrows shot up at the sight of the men’s usually tidy kitchen. “You’re right about finding a square inch of workspace. I bet this mess is driving you batty.” She laughed. “But it’ll all be worth it.”
“What can we do to help?” Fernando asked.
Jon had already moved boxes off the round dining table and began setting out plates.
“I’ve got this.” Suzy took foil off a casserole dish. “You guys take a break.”
Ken stepped back outside, retrieved a bottle of wine from the backseat, and thrust it in Fernando’s hands. “Where can I find a wine opener and glasses?”
Jon unearthed the wine opener and pointed toward a cabinet with glasses. “I’ll text Vanessa so she can join us. She’s running errands nearby.”
Before the wineglasses were filled, Vanessa knocked and stepped inside. Suzy reached for the baby. “Eat with the boys. I’ll watch Violet. I’ve been having baby withdrawal. Ken and I can wait to eat. There isn’t room for all of us at the table.”
“We have to wait?” Ken’s mouth fell open. “I’m star—”
Suzy shot her husband a look.
“Uh, sure. Go ahead.” Ken reached for a plate. “I’ll eat later in the living room with Suzy and the baby.”
After they ate among much oohing and ahhing, Vanessa cleaned the kitchen while Violet napped.
“Are any boxes ready to load?” Ken asked. “I see you’ve rented a U-Haul. Smart move.”
Fernando pointed. “Every box on that side of the room is packed.”
“And labeled,” Jon offered.
In a procession, Jon, Fernando, Ken, and Suzy carried box after box outside. Soon the covered trailer was bulging with boxes, rugs, lamps, wall hangings, and furniture.
When they finished, a sweaty Jon and Fernando ran inside.
Fernando twirled Vanessa in the kitchen. “Tomorrow’s the big day.”
“Yep. Moving day.” Jon peered at the sleeping baby. “Living full time with a baby will be interesting.”
Vanessa’s face fell. “If it’s going to be too much-”
“No. I meant a good interesting.” Jon winked at her. “Actually, I’m excited about living together.”
Fernando hugged Vanessa. “I can’t wait.”
She beamed as she placed her arms around both men. “Me neither.”