Chapter 65
After work, Ken came home to a darkened house where he found Suzy resting on the couch. Placing a hand on her forehead, he asked, “Feeling okay?”
“Not great. Not terrible,” Suzy said. “I’ve been a little woozy lately.”
He brightened. “You need some of my world famous Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.” Ken crossed the room and rattled around in the kitchen cupboards until he found a pan, lid, and can opener. While the soup heated, he handed Suzy a glass of water and placed a burnt orange chenille throw over her legs.
Suzy didn’t have the heart to tell him she hated chicken noodle soup and had already eaten with her girlfriends. “Thanks, hon.”
Much too soon, it was ready, and Suzy moved to the table. The smell made her queasier but she forced a few tiny bites.
“Taste good?” Ken asked.
“Uh-huh.” Suzy told the white lie as she forced half the hot liquid down. Afterward, she pushed the bowl across the table. “That’s all I can manage. Thanks, babe.”
“Want me to save it for your lunch tomorrow?”
The thought made Suzy’s stomach churn. She shook her head as Ken dumped the contents down the sink. “Want anything else?”
Chewing on a saltine cracker, Suzy said, “I think I’ll go to bed early.”
Ken frowned. “This isn’t like you. Should I call the doctor? Make an appointment?”
Suzy shook her head. “No. It’s probably a slight case of flu or maybe food poisoning. I had grocery store sushi for lunch.”
Ken wrinkled his nose. “I don’t know how you eat that stuff.”
Winking, Suzy said, “You don’t know what you’re missing.” She refilled her water and crossed the room. “The bed’s calling me.”
“Wait for me. I’m tucking you in.”
~ ~ ~
The next morning, the smell of morning coffee made Suzy’s stomach recoil. What’s wrong with me? She drank ice cold water from the fridge, leaned against the kitchen counter, and ate a piece of dry toast. Ken had already left for work, so she turned on The Today Show. A commercial caught her attention and her stomach lurched. She immediately put the ridiculous thought out of her mind and brightened when she received a call from Jon who asked if they could come by with Violet Grace. He explained Vanessa had errands to run and he and Fernando were babysitting.
“She’s fussy. Fernando’s piano playing always calms her.”
Suzy smiled into the phone. “Sure, come by. I’m not feeling well, so as hard as it’ll be, I’m not going to hold Violet in case I’m contagious. I’ll observe from across the room, but hearing Fernando play the piano would be lovely.”
Soon the men arrived with a bundle of pink in Jon’s arms.
Fernando put his finger to his lips and mouthed, “She’s asleep.”
Suzy situated the bassinet nearby and Jon placed the baby inside. Standing a safe distance away where she could still see Violet Grace, she marveled at her soft, pink skin and perfectly pouty lips. She whispered, “I wish I could kiss that sweet baby but I don’t dare in case I’m contagious.”
Jon put both arms out straight. “Don’t come near me either, Mom, I don’t have time to be sick. We’re still packing and painting Vanessa’s parents’ house.”
Fernando embraced Suzy. “I’m not afraid of germs. Can I make you some hot tea, Mama Suzy?”
“That sounds delicious.” Suzy was thrilled Fernando had added the moniker, ‘Mama’ in front of her name.
After Fernando added water to the teakettle, he rummaged around until he found a bag of green tea. As he danced around the kitchen, a cup crashed onto the floor. Violet wailed.
“Darn it. That’s my fault.” Fernando raced to the piano and played “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” Like magic, Violet fell back asleep.
Jon beamed. “My man has the touch.”
“I’d say.” Suzy accepted a cup of hot green tea and felt her stomach settle. “I feel better already. Thanks, guys. You’re just what I needed.”