Page 8 of Babies at Coconuts

Suzy managed a smile as she ushered everyone into the restaurant. The spicy aroma of Indian food wafted toward them.

Once inside, Mama Gia wrinkled her nose. “What are we eating? Wet feet?”

Suzy opened her mouth to say something sarcastic, rare for her, but settled on, “Jon and Fernando love curry.”

Spinning around to face Fernando, Mama Gia got almost nose to nose with her son. “Since when do you prefer Indian food? You love pasta. You’re Italian.”

Not waiting for an answer, Mama Gia waved both hands in the air. “Where are the meatballs? The fettucine? The ravioli? How about some fish?” Shaking her head, she said, “Suzy, I don’t know why you hired a caterer. Fernando’s brother, Luigi, is a chef. In fact, he’s the best chef in all of Italy.”

Luigi placed his hands on his mother’s shoulders, likely noticing the hurt look on Jon and Fernando’s faces. “Enough, Ma. Cooking out of your kitchen doesn’t exactly make me a chef. Besides, we just flew in. There isn’t time to prepare food.”

Clucking her tongue, Mama Gia persisted. “You’re a wonderful chef. I’m sure you wanted to cook for your brother. I’m a wonderful cook too, for that matter.”

Glancing around the ornately decorated restaurant with a huge mahogany elephant near the entrance, a wooden-etched outline of the historic Taj Mahal along one wall, Mama Gia fixated on the overstuffed purple, orange, and teal pillows strategically placed throughout the restaurant. “Do we have to sit on those? I’ll never be able to get up.”

Prickling, Suzy counted to ten before answering. “We’ll sit on chairs at tables.”

Mama Gia turned toward Fernando. “I thought you said your wedding was island themed.”

A grin spread across Fernando’s face. “Consider this the Island of Curry. Just try it, Mama, you might actually enjoy a change from pasta.” He slung his arm across Jon’s shoulders as he eyed his mother.

“The Island of Curry?” Mama Gia huffed. “I never.” She narrowed her eyes. “What are you serving at the wedding? Hotdogs and hamburgers?”

Normally the most patient person on earth, Suzy felt her blood boil and knew her cheeks were likely bright red.

Obviously anticipating an intervention, Ken stepped across the room and embraced Suzy in a much-needed kiss and hug. He whispered in her ear, “Don’t let her get to you.”

Standing beside her dad, Izzy glanced up from her cell long enough to give Suzy a quick nod and managed a half-smile for the guests.

The busty, dark-haired Italian bounded toward Ken, arms wide apart, yelling a boisterous, “Kennn.” Nearly knocking him over in the process, she kissed both his cheeks. “I’m Gia Russo, Fernando’s mother. Everyone calls me Mama Gia. You must be Jon’s dad.”

“Nice to meet you, Mama Gia.” Ken extended his hand. “Actually, I’m Jon’s stepfather. You raised a delightful son in Fernando. We love him.”

Mama Gia actually batted her eyelashes. “Thank you. Fernando’s dad and I, God rest his soul, did our best raising these boys.” After staring above and making the cross sign across her chest, she lightened her tone. “Jon is a sweetheart too”.

Suzy immediately realized this was a battle of the moms. She could either fight, flight, or be the peacemaker. She was always the peacemaker. Alex, on the other hand, would cut this woman to shreds within seconds. Rubbing her throbbing temples, she scolded herself. Stay calm. This is the most important day of your son’s life.