Page 7 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 6

Holding a glass of red wine in the air, Mama Gia, said, “We need a toast. Do you want to go first or should I?”

Smiling, Suzy said, “Guests first.”

After a tearful, half-American, half-Italian soliloquy with plenty of “My baby, my bambino remarks,” Mama Gia wiped her cheeks with the backs of her hands.

Fernando’s three brothers peppered their mother’s speech with “Here, Here,” “Way to go,” or “Cheers,” and added a few silly, brotherly jabs of their own.

After a few minutes of torture, Jon gave Suzy the side eye.

In an attempt to put her son out of pain, she said, “Everyone, have a seat.” Suzy carried her wine toward the living room.

“Where should I sit?” Mama Gia glanced at the living area. “I wouldn’t dare sit on your couch with red wine. The plastic covers are off. I always keep the plastic on.” She puffed out her chest. “My thirty-year-old sofa looks like new.”

“Yeah, Mama, but the plastic’s cold in the winter and hot in the summer,” Luigi said.

“And it’s noisy,” Vinny said. “Ever try to make out with someone on that crinkly thing?”

Frankie cackled and punched his brother. “Only every Saturday night.”

Mama Gia shook her head and smacked the three brothers on top of their heads. “Such disrespect. What would your father say?” She crossed herself. “God rest his soul.”

Not knowing quite how to respond, Suzy raised her glass. “How about another toast. “Here’s to Jon, Fernando, and the entire Russo family. May we have beautiful weather and a perfect wedding tomorrow.” She took a quick swallow and observed Mama Gia over the rim of her glass.

Fernando’s mother seemed to have calmed down—for now. Suzy checked her watch. “Drink up. It’s almost time to go, everyone.” Gulping the rest of her wine and craving more, she resisted putting the bottle to her mouth.

Everyone set their glasses in the sink, went to the restroom, and eventually stepped outside.

Fernando’s mother and brothers crammed into his SUV while Suzy drove with Jon.

They were barely out of the drive when Jon said, “See what I mean? She’s a lot.”

Suzy lowered the visor as she weighed her words. “It’ll be fine. Mama Gia loves Fernando and all her boys. Italians are expressive, that’s all.”

“We’re part-Italian. We’re not like that.” Jon groaned as he glanced out the window. “She has a funny way of showing her love with all of that head smacking. I have a headache just from watching her thump their heads.”

Suzy giggled. “I’m sure it’s partly nerves. After you’re a parent, you’ll understand.”

“Oh, God. That’s going to come soon.” Jon threw his head against the headrest. “I’m not sure how much stress I can take this close together. I mean a wedding is enough stress. But a baby soon after? Both are life changing. Now I’m really nervous.”

“Jon, you’ll be fine.” Placing her hand on his knee, Suzy said, “You and Fernando will be great dads. Vanessa looks up to both of you. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you two have embraced this surprise—okay, shocker.” Eyes filling with tears, she turned toward Jon at a stoplight. “Being one cohesive family and co-parenting, however you three work that out, will be so important in that precious child’s life. Just think, the baby will have a mom, and two da—”

“Mom, can we discuss one thing at a time? Let’s get through the rehearsal dinner and wedding first.” Jon rubbed his belly. “My stomach’s churning. I’m not sure I’ll be able to eat now.”

“You’re right, hon. We should focus on tonight’s dinner and the wedding tomorrow.”

As Suzy drove to the Indian restaurant, her heart pounded. I don’t want to be nervous. I want to soak up this experience. I probably should have hired a wedding planner for the guys so I could enjoy my son’s wedding but it’s too late now.

~ ~ ~

“Here we are.” Suzy felt immediate relief after spotting her husband’s car. Grinning, she said, “Don’t worry, Ken will diffuse this situation with Mama Gia.”

Jon snorted. “Yeah, maybe even sulky Izzy will be a welcome distraction for once.” He unbuckled his seatbelt. “Actually, she’s a good kid. Teenagers are difficult. Except me. I’m sure I was a model child.”

Suzy turned off the ignition. “You were the best child anyone could ever ask for.”

Before Jon could quip and agree, Fernando, Mama Gia, Frankie, Vinny, and Luigi waved frantically from the sidewalk as if it were their first time seeing them.