Page 88 of Babies at Coconuts

Allowing Vanessa alone time to go through the house, Jon and Fernando stepped outside.

Fernando spread his arms. “We actually have a backyard now.”

Jon laughed. “One that isn’t communal. I hope you plan to crank up that barbecue grill.”

Fernando glanced toward the tiled patio area. “Count on it. I can’t wait to have everyone over.”

Jon reached for his new husband. “I know this isn’t exactly how we envisioned starting our new lives together. You’ve been incredibly accepting of my high school shenanigans.” His eyes reddened. “I can’t tell you how thankful I am that you’re my husband. I could never have chosen a more loving—”

“Thank you but never refer to this in that way again, okay?” Fernando’s tone was harsher than usual.

“I’m trying to say thank you.”

Fernando shook his head. “No thanks necessary. We’re family. This is what family does. They stick together.” Peering over his shoulder, he said, “And, please, never use the word shenanigans again. I never ever want Violet to hear anything like that. She only needs to know she was brought into this world with love.”

“You’re incredible, and you’re right.” Jon embraced Fernando. The two men held one another for several seconds before a wailing Violet filled the air.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Vanessa said. “We can go back inside.”

“Don’t be silly. Give her to me.” Fernando held out his arms. “It has been a full thirty minutes since I held Violet.”

“I’m next.” Jon glanced at the orange and yellow streaked sky. “Take a look at that sunset.”

Everyone turned toward the magnificent sky.

“I’ve always loved this view.” Vanessa pointed. “If you squint, you can see the Crystal City Hospital where Violet was born.”

“I love this place already. Maybe we should head back. We need to get some empty boxes,” Fernando said between kissing the baby’s cheeks.

As they drove away from the house, everyone talked at once.

Vanessa leaned between the seats. “Shh. She’s asleep.”

Both men whispered about the best place to find boxes, newspapers for packing, and contacting U-Haul.

“I can’t imagine packing up my house with a baby.” Vanessa frowned. “How will this work?”

“Don’t worry. We’ll take care of everything,” Fernando said.

Jon nodded. “Honestly, I’m much better at packing and hauling boxes than middle-of-the night feedings.”

Vanessa giggled. “I’ve got that covered.”

After driving across town, unbuckling a miraculously still-sleeping Violet, the men escorted Vanessa to her front door.

Jon fidgeted. “We should give notice at Columns IV.” He eyed Vanessa. “If you’re absolutely positive you want us all to live together?”

Holding Violet Grace to her chest, she said, “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

Jon extended his hand. “Let’s do this.”

Fernando stepped in front of Jon’s outreached palm. “Pashaw. No handshakes. We’re family. Give me a hug—both of you— but don’t squish the baby.”