Chapter 61
As they strolled through Vanessa’s late parents’ house almost afraid to touch anything, Jon spotted a corner filled with billowy pink. Vanessa had taken the baby into the kitchen. He heard drawers open and doors creak and knew she was opening cabinets, unaware of their findings. Elbowing Fernando, he pointed toward his find.
Beside a dark green recliner, a basket overflowed with balls of pink yarn, knitting needles, and an instruction guide for baby items. Obviously, Vanessa’s mother had been knitting for the baby.
Fernando clapped a hand over his mouth as he pointed toward a pink baby hat, booties, and a mostly made afghan.
Eyes rimmed with tears, Jon said, “I can’t wait until she sees these. Her mother did care. She wasn’t heartless like we thought.”
“Thank goodness for small miracles.” Fernando held the tiny booties in the air, placing one on his finger. “These are adorable.”
Nodding, Jon said, “They’ll be a keepsake for Violet Grace and her children someday.” As he turned the knitted bonnet over in his hand, he shouted, “Vanessa, come here. You’ve got to see this.”
As the young mom entered the room, both men held the miniature, hand-made items in the air, saying simultaneously, “Look.”
Vanessa’s brows furrowed. “What-What is . . .?”
Fernando’s grin spread across his face. “Sweetie, your mom obviously made these for your baby—for baby Violet.”
Racing across the room, Vanessa grabbed the booties and baby cap with both hands and dropped to her knees. “She did love me. Mom did want to be involved with Violet Grace.” Sobbing, she held the soft bonnet against her cheek.
Jon and Fernando joined her on the floor. They held one another until baby Violet filled the air with a wail. Jon rose first. “I’ll get her.” He glanced at Vanessa. “Unless she’s hungry of course.”
“Speaking of-” Fernando said, “I’m hungry.” He plucked his phone from his pocket. “Who wants Chinese?”
“Me,” Jon and Vanessa echoed.
The restaurant was around the corner and the driver arrived fast. After they shared cashew chicken, stir-fry veggies, egg rolls, and rice, the men cleaned up while Vanessa fed Violet and put her down for a nap.
“I’m going to look around before we disturb anything, guys. I want to remember every detail of my parents’ house, exactly the way they left it.”
Jon and Fernando nodded and stood respectfully in silence.
She took a few photos to remember small details because she knew she, Jon, and Fernando would rearrange, update, and toss out some of the antiquated furniture. “I see them everywhere.” Sniffling, she said, “I knew this would be hard. We should make the home ours, but I want to keep a big part of them. It’s all I have left.”
Fernando placed his arm around her. “We’ll help you preserve their memory. What are your favorite things of theirs?”
Glancing around, she said, “I want to keep all of their photos, my dad’s Bible, their scrapbooks . . .” She pointed. “Definitely the grandfather clock and all of Mom’s crocheted items.”
Jon nodded. “That’s a great start. Very memorable possessions.”
Vanessa stared into the kitchen. “Oh, and Mom’s thimble collection and cookbooks. Those will mean the world to me.”
“Consider it done,” Fernando said. “On another matter, do you want us to strip the sheets and launder them?”
“Yes, and the towels too. I’ll help.” Vanessa followed them into the bedroom, wiped away more tears at the sight of her parents’ bed, and reached down to pull the brown comforter off the bed. A wrapped gift on the nightstand caught her eye. “I wonder who this is for.” She turned it over in her hand. “I don’t see a name.”
“There’s only one way to find out,” Jon said.
Carefully opening the package, Vanessa removed the bow and gasped when she saw a silver oval locket nestled inside. She unlatched the necklace. Inside the oval, was a photo of herself as a newborn. On the other side of the locket was an empty space for another picture.
Fernando peered over her shoulder. “Violet Grace looks just like you with that auburn hair and chubby cheeks. Except your eyes are blue.”
Jon took a peek. “She does look like you. Obviously, your mother had planned for you to add a photo of Violet inside the locket.” He put his hand on Vanessa’s shoulder as she clutched the necklace to her chest. “That’s a thoughtful gift.” Pointing, he said, “There are more pictures of you on the bookshelf. Your parents obviously loved you, Vanessa.”
She hugged herself, taking in every surprising moment. “They did. They really did.I’m thrilled they were excited about my baby.” Her voice cracked. “Our baby.”
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