Page 84 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 59

The following week, Vanessa called Jon and Fernando. After clearing her throat twice, she blurted out, “I’ve been thinking about what you said. I’m ready to see my parents’ house. I’d love it if you guys went with me.” Her voice wobbled. “I don’t think I can do this on my own.”

“I’ve got you on speaker,” Jon said. “Of course we’ll go.”

Fernando nodded.

“She can’t see you through the phone, silly.” Fernando leaned closer to Jon’s cell. “We’re on our way to get you.”

Within minutes, Jon parked in front of Vanessa’s duplex. Fernando was already halfway across the lawn when she opened the front door holding Violet with one arm and hugging the men with the other. “Thanks. You’re the best.”

After they strapped the baby into her car seat, which again took nearly all three adults, Vanessa climbed in beside Violet and gave Jon directions to her parents’ house. She pointed out familiar landmarks while growing up including their favorite Dairy Queen hang out, her elementary school, a park where they had picnics, and a now-dilapidated Piggly Wiggly grocery store.

Leaning out the window, she said, “Just two more right turns.”

After they parked in the shady driveway, unfastened the baby, and climbed out, Fernando whistled. “Your family home is charming. It’s much bigger than I expected. I’m not sure why I pictured a one-level house in my mind.” He gawked. “It’s really nice.”

“I remember it now,” Jon said. “I always loved your parents’ home.”

“It’s older but—” A sob escaped. “Our house used to be filled with so much love.” Vanessa wiped away tears. “I promise I won’t cry all day. Stress isn’t good for Violet or me.”

Jon put his arm around Vanessa. “I can only imagine what you’re going through. Your parents were nice people.”

“Until I got pregnant.” Her face hardened. “That’s old news. They’re not here to defend themselves. I shouldn’t bring it up.” She steepled her fingers against her nose and sniffled. “I know what they did seemed right to them at the time and they did come around. But—” Her voice cracked again.

Fernando and Jon exchanged glances. Clearly, this wasn’t going to be an easy transition. Fernando kissed her cheek. “Let’s try not to dwell on those memories. Think positive things because I bet you’re right about babies and stress, but what do I know?”

The three stood on the sidewalk and stared at the older Carthage stone house, mostly in silence, as Vanessa held her sleeping baby.

As they studied the home and expansive yard filled with mature trees, Fernando’s eyes widened. “That big screened-in porch is wonderful. We’ll be able to sit out here with Violet and not worry about pesky bugs.”

Still sniffling, Vanessa nodded. “I have a lot of fond memories drinking lemonade and playing board games with my mom on that porch.”

“We’ll create even more memories,” Jon said.

Vanessa perked up. “If the boards haven’t rotted, there’s a deck out back.”

Fernando puffed out his chest. “I can barbecue. We’ll have the best dinner parties.”

Laughing, Jon said, “Since when do you know how to barbecue?”

“Hey, I’ve cooked on a George Foreman indoor grill. How much harder can this be?” Fernando nudged Jon. “Trust me.”

“You know I do.”

Vanessa turned to Jon and Fernando. “I know I said I wasn’t sure about living here—about the flood of memories it would bring—but if you two join us on this new family adventure, I think we can make it a loving home again.”

She handed baby Violet to Jon who cradled her in one arm. Reaching for the men’s hands, tears threatened Vanessa’s eyes but she blinked them away. “I feel like I should get down on one knee. Will you, Jon and Fernando, live with Violet Grace and me?” Pausing, the young mom quickly added, “Please say yes.”

Whooping, Fernando said, “How can I resist those freckles?” He twirled Vanessa on the sidewalk. “My answer is yes.” He glanced at his husband. “If you agree, Jon.”

Jon paused for several seconds. He and Fernando had had several lengthy discussions about this possibility. He knew Fernando was ready but he was still a bit unsure. His idea of a new marriage didn’t involve his former high school girlfriend, but he was the baby’s father. And Fernando had wholeheartedly embraced their new family. As both Fernando and Vanessa stared at him, Vanessa broke the silence.

“It’s okay, Jon. It was a stupid idea. Forget I said it.”

“I was going to say yes.” Jon bounced Violet in his arms. “Whatever Fernando wants, I want. It’ll be an adventure.”

“A grand adventure.” Fernando’s usual chirpy tone took a serious note as he addressed Vanessa. “Hon, I know you loved my husband at one time but he loves me now and I love him. And we’ll both love you in a different way. I wouldn’t agree to this arrangement if I didn’t think it would work. Besides, I’m not insecure-”