Chapter 44
The day after the funeral, Alex couldn’t wait to go to work and enjoy life, even if that meant dealing with Hannah.
After a much-needed cup of coffee and chatting with employees in the lobby, she interviewed the bank’s handsome new lender for a press release. Hannah hovered, giving the loan officer full view of her new cleavage.
Barely containing her disgust, Alex asked, “Would you like to photograph him?” Not waiting for her intern to answer, she said, “He’s all yours.” It was obvious the new employee had already caught Hannah’s eye, and based on the way he was glued to her new breasts, the feeling was mutual.
Good. Anything to keep daddy’s girl out of my hair. Alex traipsed across the lobby, shook hands with a few customers, and made her way to her office. She checked her appointment calendar which was empty that afternoon and emailed a note to Hannah asking her to send a press release to every media outlet, along with the loan officer’s photo. After checking the clock on her computer, she remembered Tony mentioned Joey had started playing Little League baseball.
After the wedding, a surprise baby, and horrific tragedy, a baseball game sounds like the perfect diversion. I think I’ll leave early and surprise Joey—and Tony—at the ballpark.
After saving and closing files on her computer, Alex reached underneath her desk and grabbed a tote containing a casual change of clothes and white tennis shoes. Taking the steps two at a time, she changed in the upstairs employee bathroom. Pulling her shoulder-length blond hair into a high ponytail, she donned denim shorts, a hot pink tee, spritzed herself with perfume, and freshened her lipstick.
As she drove to the Crystal City Park, Alex turned down Battlefield toward Lone Pine. After circling the lot twice, she finally secured a parking space. Stepping across the dusty, graveled lot, she noticed a crowd had already gathered on the bleachers. Covering her eyes from the blinding sun, she scanned the grounds for Tony.
Excited parents, grandparents, and kids filled the bleachers, but there was no sight of her cop boyfriend. Alex sat on one of the filthy top bleachers—after wiping it off with every single tissue in her purse. After putting the nasty wipes inside her last clean tissue, she folded it into a tight ball so nothing could escape, stuffed the wadded mess inside her purse and shuddered, imagining the germs—and other unmentionables—the little gremlins left on the seats.
Have fun, Alex. Just relax and have fun for once. Crossing her arms, she noticed red and black team colors for one team and orange and blue for the other. Suddenly realizing she wasn’t sure what Joey’s team colors were, not to mention his team’s name, Alex frowned. I need to pay more attention when Tony talks about his son-turned-nephew, thanks to his cheating ex, brother, and a DNA test. Pushing the complicated family dynamics out of her head, she tried to focus on the ballgame. A lot had happened the past several days. Watching a kid’s game sounded like an ideal escape.
Numerous moms sat together, as well as a few couples. Young teens were huddled at the top corner of the bleachers, likely siblings, who were too cool to sit with their parents but wanted to cheer on their little brothers. Alex squinted from the sun’s glare and fished black and gold leopard print sunglasses from her purse.
A booming voice cut through the chatter, making her jump. “Hey, blondie. Haven’t I seen you before?” A uniformed cop bellowed from the bottom bleacher where all could hear. As everyone turned in her direction, he cocked his head and tapped his watch. “I remember now. You’re the one who’s always late. It looks like you found your watch.”
Alex grimaced. Sean. Tony’s nasty brother. She had managed to elude him for nearly a year, especially since his wicked wife, Nikki, AKA Tony’s ex, had stalked her and tried to run her over in a parking lot. And since Sean and Tony were estranged rivals who dodged one another like two wary alley cats, it had been easy to avoid Tony’s jerk brother—until now.
Alex gave Sean a half wave and turned her head, hoping he’d get the message to sit elsewhere. But the thundering steps on the bleachers indicated otherwise. Dammit.
Without so much of a hello, Sean plopped down beside Alex. His heavy cologne turned her stomach on this sweltering day. Not bothering with niceties, he barked, “Exactly why are you at my boy’s baseball game?”
Staring straight ahead, Alex attempted to will Tony to the ballpark as she ignored his arrogant brother’s question.
Sean obviously didn’t appreciate being discounted. In police mode, his voice rose. “I asked you a question.”
“I’m at a ballgame. Last I heard, it’s a free society. I haven’t done anything wrong, so watch your tone and back off.” She paused. “Officer.” Alex shifted her position and scooted away from him.
“Well, well. Aren’t you the feisty one? No wonder Tony likes you.” Sean lit a cigarette. “Mind if I smoke?”
Alex glared at him. “Actually, I do mind.”
“Too bad.” He cocked his head. “Free society, like you said.”
She huffed. “Honestly.”
“I’m always honest.”
“Yeah, I bet.” Alex glared at him. “Joey’s the proof of your honesty.”
“You’re a real pushy broad, aren’t you?” Sean blew smoke in her face. “Don’t mention my son’s name.”
“You’re an asshole. No wonder Tony can’t stand you.”
He took another drag. “Feeling’s mutual.”
Alex crossed her arms. “Listen, I was here first. Why don’t you and your cancer stick move over there?” She pointed with her finger. “I’m not into second-hand smoke.”
Sean tossed his lighter up and down as if it were a toy ball. “Nada. I like this seat.”
Waving dramatically to clear the air, Alex blew the smoke back in Sean’s direction. “Nice, isn’t it?”
“It don’t bother me none.”
She grimaced as the teams ran onto the field, somewhat breaking the tense mood. Onlookers stood, clapped, and cheered for their little ones. Alex weighed her options while Sean stood and clapped with a cigarette dangling precariously from his lips. If that damn thing falls on me and burns my new Skechers, he’s buying me a new pair. Where the hell is Tony?
No sooner were the thoughts in her head, Tony appeared, still in uniform. Alex broke into a wide smile, stood, and waved. Just as quickly, her face fell. “What the hell?”
Sean grunted. “Yeah, what the fresh hell? Why is my wife coming here with your boyfriend?”