Chapter 45
Fuming from the toxic combination of Sean’s cologne and cigarette smoke, not to mention Tony and Nikki’s joint appearance, Alex cursed herself for trying to surprise her boyfriend at Joey’s game. But just as quickly, she decided she was glad she had come because maybe, just maybe, she had caught Tony in the act with his ex. Perhaps this was what she needed to move on from this freaking nightmare of a relationship. “Fuck.”
Sean lit another cigarette. Grimacing, Alex waved her hand to clear the air. “I’m leaving. Enjoy the game and those cancer sticks. Don’t bother telling Tony I was here.” She threw her bag over her shoulder, pressed her sunglasses harder on her sweaty nose, and bounded down the bleachers on the opposite side.
Before she got to her car, Alex felt a hand on her shoulder. She froze, wondering who the hell was touching her.
“What are you doing here?” Tony asked as he leaned forward to kiss her.
Alex pulled away. “Get away from me. Go enjoy the game.”
“What crawled up your ass?”
Alex held up two fingers. “Two things: Your bitchy ex-wife and your disgusting brother.”
Tony reached for her. “Come on. Nikki just happened to park at the same time as me, and yes, my brother’s a dick.” He tugged on her hand. “Joey will be thrilled you’re here. I’m thrilled you’re here. It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
Firmly planted on the gravel, Alex didn’t budge. “I’m out of the mood for a ballgame.”
“I’ll buy you a hotdog.”
“Gee. That’s hard to resist.” In spite of herself, Alex felt herself softening. She couldn’t understand why this cop undid her but he did. “Do hotdogs come with wine?”
“Later at your place.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “If I’m lucky.”
Alex felt herself waver. “I don’t know. It’s hot, dusty, and now I’m covered in Sean’s filthy smoke. I can smell it in my hair. I need to shower.”
“That can be arranged.” Tony moved closer and kissed her on the mouth. Once, then twice. “Let’s start over, babe. We can sit wherever you want—far away from Sean and Nikki.”
“Don’t become a nice guy on me.” Alex managed a half smile. “You’ll ruin your reputation.”
Tony obviously picked up on her weakening condition and slipped his arm around her waist. “Please. For Joey. We’ll have fun.”
Against her better judgment, Alex let Tony lead her back to the ballpark near a shaded corner bleacher. She peeked inside her purse. “I don’t have any more tissues.”
“Huh? Do you have a cold?”
Alex pointed toward the dusty bleachers. “Those seats are filthy.”
Tony wiped them down with his hand. “There.”
She laughed. “Don’t touch me with that hand.”
He shook his head. “You and your OCD.”
Cocking a brow, she said, “Take my OCD or leave it.”
He slung his arm across her shoulder. “If it’s attached to you, I’ll take it.”
Starting to relax, Alex studied the teams. “Which one is Joey’s?”
“Orange and blue.”
“Does the team have a name?”
“Orange Rockets.” He shrugged. “Don’t ask. Coach McArthy let the kids name the team. Coach is a great guy.” Tony pointed toward the short, ballcap-wearing coach. “He’s always got a smile for everyone and is multi-talented. You wouldn’t believe his nature photography.”
“That’s cool. I bet he’d take the team pics for free.”