Page 16 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 12

After a heated argument with her sous chef, Cheri reassured the staff, double and triple-checked the catering menu including many allergy-related food requests, and finally found time to glance at her phone. An urgent text from Alex about Fernando’s mother and her wedding food intrusion caught her attention. She reread the message and made a face. Peering at the clock, she knew the rehearsal dinner had already begun. It was too late to try and change the menu.

What a day. I wish I were there to help. I miss my new friends, plus Suzy needs me. Cheri set her phone on the counter. It immediately vibrated. Glancing at the screen, she saw a message from her limo driver, Gage.

I, uh, might be in the Times tomorrow.

Cheri texted back: Good or bad?

Not great. Sorry, boss.

Tired of texting, she dialed his number. “Gage, what happened?”

“Bottom line, I drove a famous pop singer to an event last night. After I parked and opened her door, she jumped my bones—literally wrapped her legs around my waist—and laid a wet one on me. The photographers went wild.”

Cheri suppressed a giggle. “Doesn’t every single guy want a famous pop singer to jump his bones?”

Gage groaned. “I wasn’t finished.”

Cheri switched ears. “Go on.”

“Apparently, this singer’s boyfriend is a boxer-slash-photographer on the side. I think she wanted to make him jealous.”


“It worked. He punched me. Almost knocked me back inside my limo. That’s the photo that’ll likely be in the Times.”

Cheri swallowed. “I hope you’re okay.”

“I’m fine. A little sore and a lot embarrassed,” Gage said.

Sighing, Cheri said, “Sorry that happened but I have to ask. Did you mention the Van Buren name?” Since her jet-setting parents were still in Europe, she tried hard to stay under the radar. Cheri hated the paparazzi and often wore wigs, hats, and sunglasses so she could do normal things in Manhattan. Being a wealthy socialite appeared to be rainbows and unicorns, but high society had its disadvantages. When her limo driver didn’t answer right away, she continued. “Well, Gage? Did you mention us?”

He paused. “Yeah, the Times reporter asked about my employer. It was a messy blur but I also heard someone mention they were with TMZ. Sorry.”

“Dammit.” Cheri blew out her breath. “It’s not your fault. Don’t worry about it and take care of yourself. I’ll think of something. I don’t want to bother Mom and Dad with this. Hopefully, they’re too busy in Europe to read newspapers and magazines.” As she chewed on a pen, her mind raced. “I want you to take a month off. Go somewhere else. Visit your family or friends. Don’t worry. I’ll keep you on the payroll.”

Gage brightened. “Go somewhere like Crystal City and Coconuts?”

“No, definitely not there. I enjoy my privacy in Crystal City. Besides, as you know, I don’t need a driver there. No one except my three girlfriends are aware of my persona, and I work hard to keep it that way. I can’t risk having paparazzi chase me there too. Let’s give it a few weeks and reassess.”

“Shit.” Gage’s voice fell. “I had hoped to see Alex again.”

“Oh, really? You miss Alex, do you?” She couldn’t help razzing her favorite employee who was more like a friend. “Sorry, bud. You’ll just have to wait.” Cheri stepped into her modern kitchen and poured herself a Diet Coke. “And Gage?”


“You might want to be more selective about your freelance gigs.” Wiping up soda which overflowed onto her gray and black granite counter, she couldn’t resist teasing him. “Seriously, after you get settled somewhere, send me your address so I can forward your paycheck.”

“Will do. Anything else?” he asked.

Cheri heard the disappointment in his voice. “Don’t worry. Alex isn’t going to marry that cop anytime soon. Not from what I can tell anyway.”

Gage’s tone brightened. “I hope you’re right. I’ll text you the names of some other drivers.”

“I want a female or an older male until this blows over. See you in a month or so. Bye, Gage, and stay safe.” Cheri hung up and reached for a bag of almonds. Mom and Dad won’t be pleased if they hear about this. I can’t wait to get to Crystal City where there’s no paparazzi.