Page 17 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 13

After everyone filled their plates and sat down, Suzy watched as Fernando’s mother scooted food around her plate, taking miniscule bites. She overheard Mama Gia say, “We should have had spaghetti and meatballs. You make the best meatballs, Luigi.” She motioned toward her plate. “This needs more garlic.”

Fernando shushed her. “Mama, everyone can hear you. It’s delicious. Eat.”

Suzy ate quickly, hoping the evening would end soon. She couldn’t wait to get home and clear her head before the wedding. When the commotion finally died down, the outer door creaked open filling the room with sunshine.

Everyone turned toward the light as Bill, Suzy’s ex-husband and Jon’s father, sauntered inside.

Suzy glanced at Jon and mouthed, “Who invited him?”

“Me. He’s my dad.” Jon glanced at his watch and crossed the room. “Hey, Dad, you’re two hours late but glad you could make it. You know Fernando and Mom. Have you met Ken and Izzy?”

Bill reached across the table. “Don’t believe I have.” He shook Ken’s hand so hard his knuckles turned white. He gave Izzy a fist bump and said, “Suzy, lookin’ good as ever.” Bill’s voice boomed as he hugged her a little too long. “Long time no see.”

Still holding her orange napkin, Suzy said, “Thanks, Bill. Remember Alex and Hope?”

Suzy’s macho ex grinned. “You ladies are more beautiful than I remember. How many years has it been?”

“We don’t discuss years.” Alex winked. “Good to see you, Bill.”

Bill flashed a devilish smile toward Fernando’s family. “As you might have guessed, I’m Jon’s Dad and Suzy’s ex.” He turned toward Suzy. “Did you forget to invite me, Suze?”

“Um, I thought you moved out of state.” Still standing near the table, she drained her wine.

Bill shoved his hands in his pockets. “I did, but as they say, ‘I’m baaack.’” He hugged Fernando and slapped him on the back. “Be good to my son.” He embraced Jon. “And you be good to Fernando.”

Suzy sat down, almost afraid to make eye contact with Ken, imagining how uncomfortable he must feel. She noticed Izzy was speed texting again. No one can say this was a boring rehearsal dinner.

Bill extended his hand to Mama Gia who absentmindedly fluffed her hair before flinging herself against Suzy’s very handsome ex-husband.

After a too-long first hug, she said, “These are my other boys—Luigi, Vinny, and Frankie.”

Bill greeted the brothers and stood behind Jon and Fernando, placing his hands on each of their shoulders. “I never thought I’d say this but how’s the happy couple?”

Fernando’s mother visibly stiffened. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Doesn’t mean a thing, ma’am.” Continuing in his baritone voice, he said, “Fernando’s a fine young man. I think the world of him. I may even teach him to hunt someday. Jon never showed any interest, so maybe I’ll have a son to hunt with.”

Mama Gia fluffed her hair again. “Why, thank you. Jon’s a good boy too.”

Bill took a seat beside Alex as the chef brought out dessert platters featuring petite, creamy filled cups and white powdered balls.

Mama Gia stared at the dessert with dismay. “What? No gelato or tiramisu?” She threw both hands in the air. “Mama Mia.”

“Ma.” Fernando gave his mother a stern glance and shot an apologetic glance toward Suzy.

Ignoring Mama Gia’s outbursts and feeling sorry for the crestfallen chef, Suzy forced a smile. “Chef, tell us about your desserts.”

With a flourish, Chef Raj motioned toward the tiny cups containing Kulfi. “This is our Middle Eastern version of ice cream.” He addressed Jon and Fernando. “I made mango to go with your beach theme.” Pointing toward the tray of tiny white balls, the chef said, “These are Coconut Ladoo, which are delicate, sweetened coconut balls.”

“Perfect.” Suzy winked at her girlfriends. “We love anything named ‘coconuts,’ don’t we?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Alex suppressed a giggle. “And we’re in fierce need of that place, stat.”

“I’m all over coconut anything. Pass one of those coconut balls over here.” Hope patted her belly. “And don’t forget the ice cream. I’m not on a diet.” She paused. “To clarify, I’m never on a diet.”

Between bites, Alex said, “Tony’s going to be really sorry he missed this eventful evening.”