Chapter 76
After a quick shopping spree where she spent too much on clothes, shoes, and jewelry she didn’t need—but didn’t care—Alex drove to Coconuts on autopilot.
Arriving first for once, she waved Gus over and ordered their usual drinks—a chardonnay, a merlot, and a margarita. “Put a rush on those drinks, Gus. And don’t ask.”
Hope and Suzy arrived together, all smiles, and scooted bar stools up to their familiar table.
Once she sat down, Suzy turned toward Alex. “Wasn’t last night your big bank event? How was it?”
Gus delivered their drinks. “Menus, ladies?”
“Just booze for now,” Alex said. “Thanks, Gus.”
Once the server left, Alex said, “Yes, it was last night. And . . . don’t ask.” She took a big gulp of chardonnay.
“Uh-oh.” Hope studied her friend as she dropped a lime into her margarita. “Anything you want to tell us?”
Alex shook her head. “No. I don’t want to talk about it. Ever. It was a disaster. A royal freaking disaster. And . . . if that weren’t bad enough, Hannah was a star. My intern stole the show when I froze.”
Hope’s mouth fell open. “Is that why she was on television last night instead of you?”
Suzy’s eyes widened. “I wondered that too.”
Alex stared at the table, unable to face her best friends. “I said I don’t want to talk about it and I meant it.”
Patting Alex on the arm, Suzy said, “Enough said, hon.”
Hope scrunched her nose. “We get the picture. Ouch.”
“Exactly.” Alex turned away before her friends could detect tears in her eyes. She was the strong one. She didn’t cry. “Let’s talk about something else. Anything else.”
Suzy leaned forward. “Remember, the Bridal Bonanza is this weekend. I’ve packed every bridal photo, gizmo, and giveaway known to tulle.”
Hope stirred her margarita. “And your booth will be beautiful for it.”
Alex brightened. “Thank goodness for a change of pace from banking and far away from Hannah. I’m excited about the cake competition. I can’t imagine baking a cake, let alone decorating one in a short amount of time.”
“Agreed. Didn’t Cheri cater your event?” Hope asked.
Alex shot Hope a look.
“Right. We aren’t discussing it. Tell us more about your booth, Suzy.”
“I’ve invited former and prospective brides and—” Suzy grabbed the table’s edge and swayed.
“What’s wrong?” Alex asked.
“I wish I knew. I’ve been a little queasy lately.”
Hope frowned. “You’re pale. Maybe you should go to the doctor.”
Alex waved Gus over. “Will you bring our girl some Alka-Seltzer?”
The server grinned. “Hung over?”
Suzy managed a smile. “If so, it’s the longest hangover in history. I’d prefer Seven-Up if you have it.”