“Coming right up.” Gus disappeared behind a group of raucous businesspeople wearing ugly conference lanyards.
After Gus placed the bubbly, icy soda in front of her, she took a big sip. “Thanks. This hits the spot.”
Hope licked salt off the rim of her margarita and motioned toward the noisy group. “Teachers are never that loud at conferences.” She muffled giggles. “Okay, maybe on occasion.”
Alex shrugged. “Any time people are away from home, they overdo the alcohol.” Groaning, she said, “I’ve been so consumed with my not-to-be-discussed event that I forgot to ask Cheri about the cake competition when she catered last night. I feel like a jerk.”
Suzy reached for her phone. “Cheri texted a few photos of her trial cakes. They’re pretty. Want to see?”
Both Alex and Hope shook their heads.
“I’d rather be surprised,” Hope said.
“Same here. I’m in dire need of fun.” Alex polished off her chardonnay and motioned to Gus for another. “I’ll stop the poor-me crap soon, ladies.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Suzy put her phone away. “From what I understand, Cheri has worked really hard on her timing and decorating skills. She’d love to claim the championship for Fifth Avenue Catering.”
Hope rubbed her hands together. “Won’t it be cool if she wins?”
“I wonder who the other chefs will be. Have they posted their names on the Bridal Bonanza website?” Alex asked as Gus refilled her glass. “I haven’t had time to look.”
Suzy finished her 7-Up and requested another. “This soda is settling my stomach. I almost feel normal now.”
Alex studied Suzy. “You’ve been queasy more than once lately. I’m beginning to think you’re pregnant.”
Suzy laughed for far too long. “No way. Nope. Nada.”
Hope grinned. “That would be something.”
Shaking her head vehemently, Suzy repeated, “I still think it’s food poisoning from the sushi I had last week.”
Alex cocked her head. “Food poisoning doesn’t last a week.”
“Do not, I repeat, do not go down that ridiculous path. I’m a grandma now. My son is grown.” Gathering her purse, Suzy said, “I’ve got to go, ladies. I really need to follow up with potential brides to make sure they attend the bridal show. I want to get a lot of traction at my booth. I haven’t planned a wedding since Jon and Fernando’s. See you soon.”
Hope yawned. “I’m exhausted from school. I’ve got to run too.”
Alex had hoped for a longer girls’ evening after almost singlehandedly destroying the bank party but let it go. Forcing a smile, she said, “See you at Bridal Bonanza. Let’s ride together, Hope.”