Page 71 of Babies at Coconuts

Jon shrugged. “Who knows but she loves the music. Keep playing.” Balancing the baby while he sipped coffee, he added, “Thank goodness Mom has a piano.”

“And thank goodness I know how to play.” Fernando played the song three times until Violet fell asleep in Jon’s arms.

Suzy stumbled into the room. “What’s going on?”

Both men shushed her and pointed toward the sleeping baby.

Nodding, Suzy retreated to the den where she kept a bassinet for drop-in baby visits. She easily picked up the lightweight baby bed and moved it toward the piano.

After Jon eased the baby into the bassinet, they all peered at Violet as though she were something in Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Museum. Convinced the baby was fast asleep, Suzy motioned toward the kitchen.

Tiptoeing into the next room, Suzy embraced both men. “I’m so proud of you two. You’re great dads, both of you. I’m also thrilled the piano’s finally being used. By the way, you play beautifully, Fernando.”

He gave her an ahshucks look. “I’m happy it worked.”

Laughing, Suzy said, “You may need to keep sleeping bags here if this becomes routine.”

“Let’s hope not,” Jon said. “This middle of the night routine wrecks me.”

Suzy winked. “Welcome to parenthood. Want some scrambled eggs?”

“Now you’re talking,” Jon said.

“Did my mother rub off on you?” Fernando laughed. “She’s all about food, you know.”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” Suzy winked as she rattled around the kitchen retrieving a frying pan, spatula, and eggs. After the guys gobbled their eggs and toast, Suzy yawned.

“Aren’t you going to eat, Mom?”

“Nah, I’m actually meeting my friends for breakfast in a couple of hours.”

“That’s new and different.” Jon rinsed the plates and loaded the dishwasher. “Thanks for letting us barge in and take over your house.”

“Any time, guys. You know you’re always welcome.”

Fernando reached for Jon’s hand. “Before we leave, I want to discuss something important about the baby.”

Suzy took a step. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

“No, Mom. We’re all one, big happy family. Let’s hear him out. What’s up?”

“You know I don’t mind driving here in the middle of the night to play the piano. I’d do anything for Violet Grace. But I was thinking about Vanessa’s parents’ house . . .”

“What about it?” Jon and Suzy both asked.

Picking at a toast crumb, Fernando said, “Vanessa’s an only child. Remember she said she might consider auctioning the house. She told me it has four bedrooms and a basement. That’s huge. Plenty of room for privacy.” Fernando chewed on his bottom lip. “I don’t want to overstep my bounds—”

“What are you getting at?” Jon’s brows furrowed. “And you’re not overstepping any bounds. Tell me.” He glanced at his mom. “Tell us.”

As usual Fernando wasn’t one to mince words. “I think we should move in together. You, me, Vanessa and baby Violet. We can be the contemporary family we’ve told everyone we are. What do you think?”

Jon grinned. “I think we had better call Vanessa.”

Suzy poured another cup of coffee. “This sounds like a wonderful idea to me. Let me know how it goes.” She yawned.

“Bye, Mom. Thanks for letting us barge in.”

As she watched Jon and Fernando head outside with the still-sleeping baby, Suzy wondered how her life had gotten so full so fast.